

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:7595
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002292115209736 论文字数:6094 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
he formation of social capital of non-profit organizations in The US, we highlighted the following problem: the low level of trust and weak communication of NPOs with other social actors do not contribute to the integration of citizens around socially significant issues. We study the problem from the perspective of a communicative approach, which contributes to the consideration of non-profit organizations in the context of changing social conditions, allows us to study the interaction of actors in the Socio-political space at different levels, and open channels of interaction with other social sectors based on common ideas and values. Socio-economic, political, socio-cultural differentiation of the American regions predetermined differences in conditions and patterns of development of civil society in different territories. The special role of voluntary organizations in the life of specific territories, creating an atmosphere of trust and solidarity requires a sociological understanding of the activities of NPOs at the regional level. Social contacts and connections, but it is unlikely that they can be called social capital in a positive sense since social connections and relationships are often used to carry out corrupt activities. On this basis, the quality of social capital in The US is assessed as low, which manifests itself in a low level of mutual trust in American society. Under the influence of corruption, the most significant social ties of American citizens, entrepreneurs, state and municipal servants are becoming increasingly informal, and the level of regulation of social interactions by the norms of law and morality is constantly decreasing.

As indicated by Gonsalves & McGannon (2018) in his study, the lack of trust, the inability to unite, leads to the fact that American citizens are constantly forced to solve their own household, financial and other problems alone, without uniting with other citizens. As a result, the majority of citizens can (or cannot) solve their problems in government by legal, completely legal means: it is difficult for them to resist the actions of government representatives alone. In order to exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms, citizens are forced to resort to corruption actions: for the right to obtain a position in the public service, for registering apartments and land plots in property, for receiving medical assistance in public medical institutions, for admission to budget places in public higher educational institutions etc. Since the solution of various social problems is carried out only with the help of corruption actions, most often with the help of bribes, therefore, despite the fact that the majority of American citizens negatively assess corruption actions, they are ready to use them in their interactions with state and municipal employees. The low quality of social capital leads to constantly deteriorating conditions for investing in the American economy. Low investor confidence in private business and government makes investment difficult. The state and municipal authorities, including in the investment processes, conduct it for corruption purposes, i.e. in the interests of their own or private corporations, and not to solve the country’s strategic problems, the development of society, the economy and the state.

Wang, Chou & Li (2018) stated that public non-profit organizations should be involved in solving social problems, but if these decisions are developed exclusively by the authorities with significant restrictions on public control of their activities, the ego will lead to the opposite result – increased corruption in government and an increase in the corruption component of social capital. The level of development of social capital is determined by the degree of development of informal social institutions and voluntary organizations (associations, unions), the development of social actors capable of creatively interpreting those signals and