
帮写英国留学生毕业论文 帮写英国毕业论文

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4831
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008042229103142 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

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Graduation Thesis
submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements to graduate from


After three and a half years of following the course International Business and Management studies at Fontys University in the Netherlands I have gained sufficient business knowledge and combined it with my personal skills as well as worked for real companies.

Many graduation students would be happy to have opportunity to complete their internship in such a world-wide famous, prestigious organization as Philips. And I was honored to be given such on opportunity, when joining Philips Supply Management Supply Excellence Team in September 2009. Without any hesitance I can state I gained a lot of valuable knowledge, working experience and improved different skills during my stay. I learned to work under stress and pressure, balancing daily workload with time devoted for the development of my thesis. My daily work at department thought me to manage and share Philips Supply Management documents in an effective way.

Looking back, I have realized how much I have learned and got to know about Supply Management as a discipline during my internship. I have learned that a well-performing document management system can make a big positive difference to the business results of a company. From the effectives and efficiency of organizing documents, department can save lots of working hours and paperwork. I feel very presuated

留学生论文中可能有专业的缩略语 Abbreviations
Executive Summary
留学生毕业论文要有详细的提纲 Table of Content
Chapter 1: Company Profile
This chapter gives general information on Philips. In Section 1.1 the Royal Philips Electronics organization is described. In Section 1.2 One Philips Philosophy is introduced. In Section 1.3 the department Philips Supply Management (PSM) and its role is explained. Finally in section 1.4 supply excellence networks within the PSM is explained.
1.1 Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics was founded by brothers Anton and Gerard Philips in 1891 , in the very small city of Eindhoven. At beginning, the main product of the company was just the small carbon-filament lamp. After 118 years, the small company which was started in the little city has grown to one of the largest global diversified industrial companies in the world with sales in 2008 of EUR 26,385 million. Nowadays, the Headquarters of Philips is in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Philips employs approximately 118,000 employees (July 2009) with different backgrounds and skills all over the world. Globally present with manufacturing sites in 28 countries and sales outlets in 150 countries.

Philips is a global leader in Healthcare, consumer lifestyle and Technology based product and service solutions. Since January 2008 Philips simplified its business structure by creating three Core Sectors that are: Philips Healthcare, Philips Lighting and Philips Consumer Lifestyle.
1.1.1 Philips Current Product Divisions
Businesses of Philips are centered on people and the quality of their lives. They focus on three major scoters: Healthcare, Lighting and Consumer Lifestyle.
Healthcare    Lighting  Consumer Lifestyle
  The Healthcare Sector operates in the business areas: Imaging Systems, Home Healthcare Systems, Customer Services, Healthcare Informatics and Ultrasound & Monitoring Solutions. It maintains sales and service organizations in more than 60 countries and runs manufacturing operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Israel and the USA.

  The Lighting sector operates in the business areas: Lamps: Professional Lumi