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Hertfordshire Business School

PostgraduateDissertation Handbook 

Academic Year: 2015–2016

Semester Intake: A or B

Dr Hany Wells
Head of Postgraduate Development 

1. Introduction 3
2. Postgraduate Dissertation Guide – Part One 4
2.1 What is a Masters Dissertation? 4
2.2 Aim and Objectives of the HBS Masters Dissertation 4
2.3 Contact Details for Dissertation / Research Report / Business Plan Module Leaders 5
2.4 Dissertation Schedule, Timetable and Deadlines 6
2.5 Selecting and Agreeing a Topic 8
2.6 Dissertation and RM/S Module Codes and 9
2.7 Dissertation Development and Management Log 11
2.8 Academic Misconduct 13
2.9 Ethical Guidelines for Postgraduate Research 14
2.9.1 Primary Research 14
2.9.2 Secondary Research 16
2.10 Dissertation Report – Structure and Formatting 19
2.11 Arrangement for Dissertation Submission and Request for Extension 21
2.11.1 Electronic Submission 21
2.11.2 Hard copy Submission 21
2.11.3 Request for Extension 21
2.12 Dissertation Marking and Late Submission Penalties 22
2.13 Dissertation Results 22
Appendices 23
Appendix 0: Request for Absence – Tier 4 Students 23
Appendix I:  PG Dissertation First Information Form 24
Appendix II: Dissertation Log 25
Appendix III: Ethics Approval Guidelines 29
Appendix IV: Front Cover Page 30
Appendix V:  Title Page 31
Appendix VI: Request for an Extension – Up to Two Weeks 32
Appendix VII:  Reasons for Granting Deferral for Dissertations (SAC) 33
Appendix VIII: Dissertation Deferral Request/Application Form for SAC 37
Appendix IX: Dissertation Mark Sheet 41
Appendix X: PG Dissertation Assessment & Grading Criteria Matrix 44
Appendix XI: What Happens After the Formal Submission 50
Appendix XII: How to Calculate your Masters Award 52

1. Introduction

This dissertation module handbookis designed to provide thepostgraduate (PG) students with detailed guidelines for the management and development of their dissertation module. Most PG students at the Hertfordshire Business School (HBS) must complete a dissertation, normally as the final assessment part of their programme. Hence, it is crucial for students to read the guides provided, as the ultimate responsibility of managing a successful dissertation is with the student. The guidance in this handbook forms Part One of the overall guidelines to all PG students who are writing a dissertation. This handbook outlines the management processes and procedures involved inPG dissertations at the HBS. The overall rules, regulations, ethicsapproval process, expectations and dissertation timetable, are explained here. 

Part Two is developed by the dissertation module leader with a programme-centric perspective, and containsprogramme specific information outlining the arrangements for the development and management of the dissertation for that specific programme. Part Two will be provided to you separately.  

Students who will need to develop Business Reports, Business Plans, or Applied Individual Project (AIP) please refer to your respective handbook part two, dev