
美国留学课程作业:东南亚女权主义journal of feminism in South Asia

日期:2018年01月27日 编辑:ad201708310846561631 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1152
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201410181417472251 论文字数:2247 所属栏目:教育社会学论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
文题目:journal of feminism in South Asia
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:gender studies
论文用于:Master Coursework 硕士课程作业
chicago 模式

近期我阅读了女权主义在南亚的一本杂志,我突然有一个想了解伟大的女权主义在南亚的研究兴趣。在过去的一段时间性别研究一直是一个热门话题,特别是在贫困地区,如南亚。大多数南亚国家是发展中国家,低生活标准和法律立法不完善,因此,结合经济、政治和其他一些因素造成的妇女的情况不太乐观,尤其是在政治参与方面的东南亚地区。Recently I scanned the journal of feminism in South Asia, I suddenly have a great interest in the study of feminism in South Asia. Gender study has always been a hot topic for a long time in the world, especially in poor areas such as South Asia. Most of South Asia countries are developing countries with a low-level living standard and imperfect legal legislation, therefore, a combination of economic, political and some other factors have caused the bad situation of women, especially in the aspect of political participation in South Asia. Political participation refers to a series of processes of any voluntary actions which are successful or not, organized or not, episodic or not, legal or not. India General elections 2009 described in this paper is an example. And all these mass actions aim to influence the political leaders’ choice at governmental, national or local level. All citizens no matter men or women should take participate in political affairs, only in this way a democratic society can be created. But the so called “democracy” is not carried out as it is defined. The most obvious problem is that males dominate in the formal political system of South Asia and the level of dominance differs in different areas. Even though women can become a part of political activities, they are often assigned to soft portfolios which are appropriate for the concerns of women. There are some barriers which South Asian women are faced with at various levels; they are both formal and informal, which is a result of socio-cultural values and practices and they are all rooted in social systems and structures. Besides, for a family, female members are also considered to be weak and to be in a need of protection from male during a woman’s life. As a popular saying goes: politics is dirty game but it is not meant for females.

Journal of feminism in South Asia
1.0 introduction 
2.0 outline of south Asia
3.0 human rights and political struggle of women in south Asia (Pakistan, Burma, India)
4.0 incentives to strengthen women’s political participation in South Asia and some festivals  about women in the world (mother’s day and women’s day) 
5.0 conclusion 


Enrica Garzilli,2005 The International Women's Day, Harvard University and Our Journal’s Birthday, Vol 10,No.1

Annpurna Nautiyal, 2009,Women Empowerment and Activism in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Vol 11, No.2
 Enrica Garzilli,2010 ,Pakistan, Burma, India and Human Rights,Vol,12, No.1
Caroline, Lambert and Sharon Pickering, 2003, Critical chatter: women and human rights in South East Asia, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N.C.
Kamla, Bhasin and Nighat Said, 1999, Khan Some questions on feminism and its relevance in South Asia, Kali for Women, New Delhi
Gerhard, Sonnert, 1995,Gender differences in science careers the project access study, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
Richa, Agrawal, 2007, The status of women in South Asia, ABD Publishers, Jaipur, India
Manjeet, Bhatia and Deepali, Bhanot , 2008 ,Gender concerns in South Asia: some perspectives, Rawat Publications, Jaipur