so necessary to attract the readers.
B. The National Heros in China; The Respected Icons in England
The different background and the different customs need the translators to abide in translation. The Chinese sayings sometimes have the profound philosophical background and cultural tradition, It almost comes from Chinese objects and allusion which are familiar and well- known. YUHUANGDADI is deeply believed as the highest rank among joss in Chinese. It must be connected with English GOD while translating. Several examples are proved below.
"三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮","the wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual". There is on need to change "the wisest individual" into "ZHUGELIANG", because foreigners do not who ZHUGELIANG is, he actually is a wise man. So we translate ZHUGELIANG as "the wisdom of individual”.
"不到黄河心不死","Until all is over ambition never dies ",there is no "yellow river" abroad.
"情人眼里出西施","Love is blind." "XISHI" is a perfect beauty in ancient Zhongguo in China, but she is unknown by foreigners.
Chinese culture is always profund and copious. It is the same as the water in the sea. As a Chinese translator must make foreigners adore and then follow it, which is to make a translator successful.
C. Complex, Splendid in Chinese; Simple, Clear in English.
From the further ancient to present, a long history of China has passed centuries after centuries, as a real civilized country, some words used by Chinese are marvelous and pithy. It needs some transformation, because it is difficult to explain. his former style must be kept in the works and mentioned about the same as the English salience. Some examples are as follows.
"秀才不出门,全知天下事""Without stepping outside Iris gate, the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs. Reckon is rigorous"."秀才"is not as the same grade as "the scholar "to make foreigners know what is "秀才",only can a translator do is to choose a simple, clear word-scholar instead of "秀才".
"爱屋及乌""love me, love my dog."
"对牛弹琴""to cast pearls to the swine."
“黄梁美梦”, Some foreigners don’ t know what “黄粱美梦” is, while a translator know what “黄粱美梦” mean in Chinese. The translator may express the meaning of “黄粱美梦” with simple English words when translating----Fool’s paradise.
"醉翁之意""many kiss a baby for the nurse's sake", there is no need for us to introduce what "醉翁"refers to.
This is a pretty way to avoid some unnecessary difficulties.
D. Chinese Has the Dictums, English Has the Aphorisms
Some folk Chinese expressions can not arrive at the hall because it is vulgar. But it is widely used almost everywhere.
"狗改不了吃屎" is a pure and simple expression in Chinese which is neutral, and it is rude to say it in public. It must be turned to "江山易改,本性难移""You can scare a dog away from a greasy hide".
"杀鸡取卵""Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs", that is figurative and such foolish behavior can not be seen at all. No one did the superfluous affairs.
Plenty of folk languages are definitely very complicated and need copping with. Look at following the examples.
It is very difficult to translate "龙生龙,凤生凤,耗子的娃儿打地洞"into English, and we can use "like father, like son" instead of it.
"人有失手,马有失蹄" means no one can avoid making mistakes, we can turn it like this "A horse stumbles that has four legs".