
Second-language Learning and Changes in the Brain

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1574
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201201161149035174 论文字数:2847 所属栏目:应用心理学论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

论文题目:Select one paper (附件中提供) and write a review in which you summarise the contents following the guidelines (附件中提供)
您的研究方向:Neuroscience of Language (Psycholinguistics)
论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Assignment

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Experience can change both the function and the structure of the brain. Therefore, it is can be reasonably assumed that the experience of second-language (L2) learning can also make some changes in the brain. For example, in one of the studies to examine single word learning in two languages, Dijkstra & Van Heuven (2002) presented their participants with mixed lists of L1 and L2 words that they had to silently read for meaning. Critical words could be preceded by the same word versus a different http://www.51lunwen.org/environment/2009/0902/lw200909021635419181.html  word from the same language, or by a non-cognate translation versus a different word from the other language. One key result was that translation priming effects to the brain tended to be larger and start earlier, and more importantly, there were signs of words relocation within the brain. However, this pattern stands in contradiction with other findings showing greater translation priming from L1 to L2 than vice versa.

At present, due to many kinds of limitations, during the process of L2 acquisition, almost nothing is known about what kinds of changes would take place at what time in the brain, and how do they reflect L2 learning.

Fortunately, as the whole society develops, there are many modern methods that can be obtained to make brain-based researches possible. In our http://www.51lunwen.org/environment/2009/0902/lw200909021635419181.html  paper, we will use some examples as well as our on-going experiments with a major aim of illustrating how, when and where the changes would take place during the process of L2 learning. In the following part of this paper, there will be three main experiments to explain our findings.


Changes in the Brain’s Electrophysiological Response to L2 Stimuli

About the Previous Studies and the Findings:
About our experiment and findings:
Changes in Brain Sources

About PreviousStudies and the Findings:
About Our Experiment and Findings:
Changes in Brain Structure

About Previous Studies and Dindings:
About Our Experiment and Findings:


Since many research findings have shown that the ability to learn a language seems to degrade with age, our findings seem to be inconsistent, which suggest that the brain of an adult second-language learner http://www.51lunwen.org/environment/2009/0902/lw200909021635419181.html  is a highly dynamic place, even during the earliest stages of L2 learning. However, in the previous studies, French (L1) native speakers who were highly fluent in English (L2) showed a symmetrical pattern of within-language repetition and between-language translation priming effects in the ERPs generated by mixed lists of words. These results imply that prior findings of asymmetric priming effects as a function of target language (Novick et al 2005) were due to the relatively low proficiency level in L2 of the participants in that study. The same conclusions can be drawn with respect to the symmetric pattern of language-switching effects found in the present study, the participants we have chosen are adults who are in the process of L2 learning, and the methods we have used here tell us that there are changes in the brain's electrical activity, changes in the location of this activity within the brain, and changes in the structure of the learners’ brains.

What is more, even though the causes of age effects on L2 proficiency are controversial, but we have two theoretical explanations to explain it, they http://www.51lunwen.org/environment/2009/0902/lw200909021635419181.html  are the putative e