
英语文学本科论文范文——On Context in Translation

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201203011400045776 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2452
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201208301420597787 论文字数:3614 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

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英语文学本科论文范文——On Context in Translation


The word “context” originally means “con-text”, that is, the words and the sentences before and after a particular sentence. It was Malinowski who gave the “context” a new meaning and introduced it into the domain of linguistic studies. In this thesis, emphasis is put on the roles and uses of context in translation. The author tends to prove the significance of context in translation. Accordingly, this thesis is organized in such a way as to explain first a number of important features of context and then its relation to translation activities. Thus, the paper proves the point that context is an integral part of translation.
Key Words: context; environment; strata; function; co-text


摘  要


1 Introduction
In English, context originally means “con-text”, that is, the words and the sentences before and after a particular sentence. It was Malinowski who gave the “context” a new meaning and introduced it into the domain of linguistic studies. In 1923, he coined the term “context of situation”. By that concept, he meant the immediate environment of the text. Then, he found that it was also necessary to provide information about the total cultural background, so he introduced another notion: the context of culture. According to him, a language cannot be understood unless it is placed within the wide context of the situation and culture that it is embedded in. He thought that both notions were necessary for the adequate understanding of the text.        


5 Conclusion
In this thesis, the author has explored the significance of the context theory in translation, which enables us to understand the point that context is an integral part of translation. Context is omnipresent, but it is relative. It affects technical terms and neologisms less than general words; it permeates a structured text and touches disjointed texts rather lightly.
It is of great service to translator who should also pay attention to the association of context analysis with other disciplines, such as social linguistics, text linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, stylistics and etc. This thesis definitely cannot include every aspect of context analysis. Therefore, only chief functions of context are covered, and still, more analysis is required to make on context.


Works Cited
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