
东莞市绿色建筑现状及发展思路The Current Situation and Developmental Ideas of the Green Building in Dongguan City

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1375
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201506281954565955 论文字数:780 所属栏目:法语论文翻译
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
加快建设以低碳排放为特征的绿色工业、绿色建筑和绿色交通体系是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的保障,2011年7月1日实施的《广东省民用建筑节能条例》将发展绿色建筑作为重要内容之一,今年省委省政府在关于提高我省城市化发展水平的意见的重点工作分工方案中提出东莞市“十二五”期间完成不少于220万㎡绿色建筑。我市也制定了《东莞市建筑节能“十二五”专项规划》,对我市绿色建筑发展提出了具体目标和采取的措施。In order to guarantee the building of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society, it is imperative to accelerate the construction of a green system of industry, building and transportation featured by low carbon emission. On July1st 2011, the newly enforced Energy Conservation Regulations for Civil Buildings in Guangdong Province attached great importance to the development of green buildings. Similarly, this year the provincial Party committee and the provincial government proposed that Dongguan City should complete not less than 2.2 million square meters of green buildings during the second 5-year plan, as part of the key project on improving the urbanization of Guangdong Province. Our city also established The Second 5-year Special Plan for Building Energy Conservation of Dongguan City, putting forward specific goals and measures for the development of the green building of our city. 

一、发展现状Green buildings in Dongguan City  


1. The compulsory standard for building energy conservation is exercised in all newly built construction projects. In 2011, the newly completed buildings of our city occupy an area of 11.5 million square meters. The standard is fully implemented during the designing and construction periods. 

(二)绿色建筑标准已基本完善。2006年,住建部发布《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T 50378-2006),对建设为绿色建筑的居住建筑和公共建筑,在节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保护等方面提出了相关要求,考虑到我省气候特点,省住建厅于2011年发布《广东省绿色建筑评价标准》(DBJ/T15-83-2011)。2. The green building standard is basically perfect. In 2006, the Ministry of issued The Evaluation Criteria for the Green Building (GB/T 50378-2006), proposing relevant requirements for the residential and public buildings to be greened in terms of the conservation of energy, lands, water and materials, environmental protection and so on. In light of the weather of our province, in 2011, the Provincial Ministry of Housing and City and Countryside Construction issued The Evaluation Criteria for the Green Building of Guangdong Province (GBJ/T 15-83-2011).
(三)制定绿色建筑目标任务。2011年我市发布《东莞市建筑节能“十二五”专项规划》,提出我市“十二五”期间建筑节能工作目标,同时发布《东莞市建筑节能“十二五”工作任务分解实施方案》,将目标任务分解到各镇街、园区。3. The target for the construction of green buildings was established. In 2011, our city issued The Second 5-year Special Plan for Building Energy Conservation of Dongguan City, putting forward the target for the building energy conservation during the 5 years. Meanwhile, our city issued The Second 5-year Task Decomposition Plan for Implementing the Building Energy Conservation in Dongguan City, assigning the objective tasks to each town, street and community. 
(四)以示范工程带动绿色建筑项目发展。我市绿色建筑发展处于起步阶段,仍以示范带动为主。2011年完成2项绿色建筑示范项目,其中“东莞生态园控股有限公司办公楼”绿色建筑项目获得国家三星绿色建筑设计评价标识认证,“东莞台商大厦”项目已取得美国绿色建筑LEED金级预认证,二项目均正在建设中。4. The demonstration project serves as a stimulus to drive the development of the green building project. The development of the green buildings in our city is now in its infancy, which means it needs models to drive its development. In 2011, two green building demonstration projects were completed: the office building of the Dongguan Ecological Park Co., Ltd and the Dongguan Taiwaness Building, with the former awarded the national three-star green building design identity authentication, and the latter LEED achieving American green building LEED golden-level pre-authentication. Now both of these two projects were now still in construction. 

二、发展思路Developmental ideas

建设绿色建筑将作为我市“十二五”期间建筑节能重点工作,从节能、节地、节水、节材、环保、运营管理等方面推进该项工作,提出主要发展思路:The construction of green buildings will be the focus of our city’s building energy conservation task during the second five-year period. Our city will carry out this task from such aspects as energy conservation, land conservation, water conservation, material conservation, environmenta