论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P>译文一<BR>产品交付的风险<BR>摘要<BR>产品交付阶段是消费者行为模式的最后一步, 在持续的支持好的供给之前的。这个阶段有几个问题需要被学习的,譬如产品被交付或被使用的方式,用户满意的水平, 产品供应的质量,服务的质量等等。<BR> (1)、数字式产品的交付风险 <BR>一个数字化产品是能用数字方式被变换和被表达的产品。它包括音乐, 电影,录影, 软件,报纸,杂志和其它形式的数字式内容。这些物品也许在互联网上以数字式格式被分布,或者他们也许能提供一种物理形式,比如作为CD – ROM,DVD,和 新闻用纸。<BR>供应链为分布的数字化产品是在不断的变动过程中的。在通入和内容上顾客面对丰富的配套选择。越来越创新的数字化产品和服务,大多数都很个性化,还伴随许多通入选择。当购买数字化产品时消费者必须做出正确的选择。<BR>在互联网上交付数字化产品也是很复杂的。例如, 这个"如果不满意的而退回产品"的政策,哪个能保证全部退款对于不满意的顾客,是否对实物产品交易有促进信任的帮助。然而,这个政策对于数字化产品可能是不可行的有一下几个原因:<BR>第一:当从消费者的观点看许多数字化产品被充分地消耗。因此,在它们被消耗之后,退回产品会有少许意图的。不同于实物形式的产品,退回一个数字式产品不能防止消费者复制这个数字产品或者在将来使用该数字产品。<BR>第二、退回产品或退还购买的款项也许都不切实际地归结于交易费用。甚至一个小小的数字式产品只值几分甚至较少的一费用,必须在网络上被运输两次,这样的话退款的费用也许会超出产品本身的价格。<BR>数字化产品而且还有质量问题。消费者通常要求, 被购买的产品应该满足某些质量标准。但网上消费者也许会发现它难测试或审查物品,譬如在购买之前的软件。有时,数字式音乐的音质也许是很差的,或电影的图片也许是不清晰的。消费者关心的是那些他们的由供应商同意提供的数字式产品可能不符合质量标准。<BR>2、实物形式产品的交付风险<BR>在B2C 实物产品交易中质量是非常重要,因为买家在购买产品之前他们是不能看到和感觉到产品的。当顾客购买是的公司建立的好品牌时,他或她对购买的产品或服务的质量是相当肯定的。但是,当消费者从一个不那么知名的公司购买产品事,质量可能是一个主要的问题。质量的问题是与信任和消费者权益保护的问题有关的。<BR>一些顾客要求几乎实时的信息关于他们的定购的物品的下落和他们期望的交付时间.他们也许关心的是他们不会及时的得到他们的产品,例如,在1999 年美国圣诞节的季节里许多互联网顾客留下非常不高兴的网上经历。许多顾客收到了他们的订单却是在圣诞节过后了。一些投诉说接受了错误订单。大多网上卖家没有在圣诞节运用合适的应付办法去包装并且运输产品,许多企业使用了联邦快递,但是,这些定单的数量太大以至于不能准时运送并交付在圣诞节之前。<BR> 保单是一种由制造商提供的契约责任,是根据制造者对一个产品在一个指定的时期或某一确定数量用法上赞成补救或对某些瑕疵或失败补偿买家。但在B2C模式中,一些卖家的广告不能清楚和突出地陈述保单或由于长途他们不愿释放保单。</P>
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<P>It is a narrow room, a meter and a half wide, decorated with the awkward minimalism, peeling white paint, tilting buffet tables, schoolroom chairs bolted together into haphazard couches.But the attraction here isn’t the decor it’s the machines: a beige Compaq Proliant 2500 computer and an off-white Dell Power edge, hooked into a refrigerator-size rack of network routers and, from there, via a thumb-thick black cable, to the infinite abundance of the Internet. Edward Zeng, the 35-year-old Chinese entrepreneur, can’t resist a grin as he looks around the modest but astonishing room buried within a warren of offices in the bunker-like hallways under Beijing’s Capital Stadium. “Welcome to ground zero,” he says.<BR>There is very little you cannot reach from Zeng’s tiny room. Zeng’s 1,000 Internet subscribers can dial into his computers from all over Beijing and connect nearly limitlessly to the electronic world. They can send e-mail, photos and news of China. And they can receive practically anything else.<BR>At night, hundreds of Chinese who don’t own a PC crowd into Zeng’s six Internet Cafes, where Net time retails or $3.6 an hour. It’s fast food for the information age.<BR>This is China? That shows that Beijing has settled on a policy for the Net that is as bold as it is surprising. A rising generation of Western-educated officials is pressing home the argument that the Net is the perfect vehicle to transport the Middle Kingdom into the 21st century. “The Chinese get the Net, O.K.?” says Sean Maloney, who ran Intel’s Asia-Pacific operations for three years. “China is going to be unrecognizable in five years. And a large part of that change is going to come through the Internet and onto computer screens.”<BR>In January the Chinese government approved a new series of laws designed to control how citizens connect to the Internet. But although the laws featured the usual restrictive rhetoric , they were clearly designed not to keep the Chinese off the Net but to get them online in an orderly way.<BR>The official curiosity about the power of the Internet, have Beijing buzzing these days. From dinner parties given by top officials at the Great Hall of the People to bull sessions among young technocrat planners , the conversation has shifted from how to control the Net to how to exploit it. “The government is betting that PCs and the Net can help competitiveness,” says Thomas Li