2.2 Literature review
This part briefly reviews the relevant researches both abroad and at home. During the lasttwo decades, with regard to researches to power distance, most fruits have been located in thedomain of cross-cultural corporations and companies and business interactions inorganizations. Recently, power distance in the classroom has aroused great interest among agreat deal of experts and scholars from home and abroad. The following is a brief review of surveys made by scholars on power distance in thecontext of business management.In Muhammad Mahroof Khan’s research in 2012: Cultural Consequences for EconomicDevelopment: Cross Culture Comparative Study. This study represents an attempt atmeasuring the impact of certain cultural factors on economic growth. In according toHofstede cultural dimensions and Schwartz cultural dimensions, he posed that cultural valuehas become the main key to the influential component in the process of economicdevelopment, power distance is also a new subject that has been a cultural gauge .The resultsrevealed that there was a positive correlation between power distance and economy.In 1999, Earley’s research further improves the study of power distance in the filed ofbusiness management. Having studied among about 288 senior managers in four countries, hehas put forward his general viewpoint that power distance may influence a social member’sstatus according to the collective decisions made by a group.
3 Methodology........14
3.1 Research questions and hypotheses.....15
3.2 Research instrumente......15
3.3 Participants.......15
3.4 Research procedure....16
3.4.1 Classroom observation........17
3.4.2 Questionnaire survey .....18
4 Results analysis and discussion ....19
4.1 Teachers’ verbal communication in the classroom........19
4.2 Non-verbal behaviors........28
4.3 Questionnarie results....29
4.4 Discussion......32
5 Implications ....34
5.1 Cultural values........34
5.2 Communication approaches........35
5 Implications
5.1 Cultural values
Power distance is an important component of cultural dimensions (Hofstede, 1991). Cultureand language are closely related. For one thing, language is influenced by culture, whichserves to some extent a detrimental factor of how people use language. For