
留学生report作业写作范文:Building High Performance Organisations

日期:2023年09月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:956
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309231313071063 论文字数:2500 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
Perfection is the step where continuous improvement results in finding of the reasons that are causing waste. KFC does tries many ideas for controlling waste but it seems it is very hard to apply this in the fast food restaurant. For example: When the restaurant is quiet then to save the cost and control the waiting wastage the staff gets sent home and what if it certainly gets busy again. The overproduction is hard to control because the demand is very unpredictable. Too much cooking creates the wastage and less cooking results in longer lead-time for the customers. The delivery time is also a non-value adding activity because sometimes if delivery is late the company lose the business from the product that are out of stock.
According to Melton (2005) the benefits of being lean are reduced inventory, less processing time, reduction in lead-time, cost saving, reduced inventory and less rework. In KFC restaurants, it started the one-minute waiting time to avoid the customer for waiting long and efficient working by removing queues. Melton (2005) also adds that the lean thinking forces to review the whole supply chain and finds out the bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Christopher (2011, p. 139) mentions that bottleneck is the slowest activity in the chain which could be machine or also the part of the information flow like order processing. The supply chain of the KFC is it receives the chicken from the suppliers that comes in the store and is prepared freshly to serve the customers. The bottleneck can be delivery time, staff turnover and the frying machines for the stores. Traceability is important because there was an incident in a store in meadow bank about the halal chicken resulting in closure of store for few days.
Following the lean green, KFC focused in its packaging materials to be recyclable and sustainable, replacing the palm oil by rape seed oil and sunflower oil that is used for frying chicken, food waste to be recycled by donating to local charities, reduce the total energy per customer by 20% by 2020, turning wastage oil into bio diesel, send the 5% of wastes for landfill and reduced CO2 emissions from constructing materials. Communication and relation between the staffs are essential for which staff party and together are done from time to time.
References 参考文献
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