
留学生作业:Pure Bureaucratic Organization Features

日期:2022年11月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1052
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202211182347039140 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay
pport of Robbin’s (1990:308) thought that in large and complex organizations, “decentralization has become de riguer”.
得到。这背后的基本原理是,当一个组织成长时,层级的数量(纵向复杂性)和部门的数量(横向复杂性)会随之增长,因此决策会分散到较低的管理层,并产生细分的压力,否则管理者无法有效地控制它们。今天我们可以看到,大多数成功的公司,如IBM、惠普、通用食品、3M等,现在都在适应去中心化。麦当劳首席执行官Mike Quinlan表示,他会尽可能地将方向向下推;否则,麦当劳的决策将过于缓慢。Hage和Aiken在他们对组织规模的研究中支持这一观点,即“更大的组织允许更大的权力下放”,并以坎贝尔汤公司和美国航空公司为例。一小群理论家发展了典型的向后官僚制转变的理论,在一个不确定性和复杂性日益增加的世界中;层级结构现在变得扁平化,强调横向联系,公司现在更加流动和虚拟化。由于所有这些特征都可以在今天的大型组织中观察到,我支持罗宾的观点,即在大型和复杂的组织中,“权力下放已经成为一种严格的做法”。
Although we have discussed above that large scale organizations are becoming more decentralized, that is they are lacking the pure bureaucratic feature of ‘centralization’ and ‘hierarchical authority’, this however does not mean that hierarchy has been eliminated in them or that they have left behind the core tenets of bureaucracy. They still abide by the Weber’s bureaucratic rigid rules, written procedures, and impersonality. Heckscher and Donnellon (1994) argue along these lines and describe them as “cleaned up bureaucracies”. Moreover, according to Höpfl (2006:19), “an entirely non- or post-bureaucratic organization without hierarchy is simply inconceivable” and in addition asserts that post-bureaucratic arrangements appear as variants within bureaucracy.
Today, large organizations tend to be more formalized than the smaller ones. The underlying principle behind this is that in large organizations the number of employees and departments is significantly higher, making them more dependable upon the written rules, regulations and paperwork to standardize operations and exercise control. Robbins (1990:96) uses McDonalds to support this argument and states that McDonald’s “operating manual has 385 pages describing the most minute activities in each outlet. No cigarette, candy or pin ball machines are allowed. Basic hamburger patty must be 1.6 ounces of pure beef with no more than 19.5% fat content. Buns must have 13.3% sugar in them.” In regard with this example, it can be seen that even in today’s large-scale organizations employees are taken as ‘machine-like’ objects with no personal feelings. Bureaucracy’s strength is its capacity to manage routine tasks efficiently in stable and predictable environments. On the contrary, small organizations these days tend to deploy less degree of formalization in their operations which provides employees with considerable freedom in executing their duties and achieving objectives (Robbins, 1990:93). Having said that, top management in small organizations can nevertheless deploy their personal observation skills as a tool to continuously monitor productivity levels and regulate control (Hall, 1963). This implies that sufficient tools are available in small organizations to positively impact overall team dynamics without having to enforce a set of stringent rules and regulations that individuals are restrained by. This in turn empowers employees with a sense of belonging towards the organization and builds a strong relationship amongst them, weaved by trust and personal loyalties (Maravelias, 2003).
In lines with the existence of bureaucratic features in today’s era, different schools of thought exist. An extensive number of theorists have conduct