
留学生作业:Pure Bureaucratic Organization Features

日期:2022年11月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1052
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202211182347039140 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay
vision of labour and specialization of tasks. Duties of all officials are clearly defined such that employees are organized into groups based upon their technical skills, thus covering the area of competence they are technically trained for. In lines with this, Taylor’s principles of Scientific Management theory suggests that a trained employee should be selected for the job rather than having him choose his own work and training himself as best he could (Dean, 1997).
Another feature that develops a bureaucratic organization is formalization, which refers to the set of written rules and formal procedures management has to abide by. Firstly, there is a strict separation between official duties of a bureaucrat and their private and emotional life. In this, management is operated on certain rules contained in files of written documents rather than personal feelings of the employees (Weber, 1921/1968). This allows a uniform execution of decisions and actions towards the lower levels through formal systems of rules and regulations, and thus it is an imperative source of
efficiency maximization. Ouchi (1977) points out that an organization’s formal system, identified as written procedures and policies, help meet organizational goals in an efficient manner and detect misconducts taking place within the organization. Moreover, all decision and actions taken by the organization are recorded in written documents. This helps regulate behavior of the employees. Although this might not seem as an essential part of a bureaucracy, yet “it is the arrangement that best fits the pure type” (Weber, 1957:335).
Starting with the mode of recruitment, another feature that develops a pure bureaucratic organization is that personnel are hired on grounds of technical competence and not on any other consideration such as political loyalty or family inheritance. The appointment of an individual is based upon their qualifications and expertise to accomplish the specialized duties effectively. When entering a bureaucratic organization, individuals are expected to make “office their sole occupation” and make a career within the organization (Weber, 1978:220). Insofar as the remuneration in a bureaucratic organization is concerned, the opportunity for promotion is based upon an elaborate system of seniority and achievement of an individual. Moreover, the bureaucrats are salaried officials and normally receive a fixed salary based more upon the status of their position rather than their productivity or performance. Clegg et al. (2008) asserts that “different positions in a hierarchy are differently paid”.
The characteristics discussed above illustrate Weber’s ‘ideal type’ of rational and efficient bureaucracy. Many of these features that now seem common and obvious to us did not always exist, and can therefore be characterized as Weber’s invention. Furthermore, as suggested in Weber’s definition and by Scientific Management theory, these features exist as a set of formal entities such that they are predefined by the management and are “deliberately and consciously created to achieve specified goals (Dwyer, 2005:1234).