Considering the great influence of fashion magazines on people’s daily life and the abundance of CS in them, this study takes the fashion magazines as the subject to research, and then summarizes the structural and functional features of CS in Chinese fashion magazines.
1.1 Research purpose and significance
The research of the structural characteristics of CS concluded how codes were switched according to the Matrix Language Frame Model proposed by Myers-Scotton (1993) and the distinction theories proposed by Poplack (1980); and the research of the functional characteristics of CS concluded what functions CS did which are based on Yu Guodong’s Pragmatic Adaptation Model of CS Analysis (2001).
This paper did research on the characteristics of code-switching in the Chinese fashion magazines. It can enrich our understanding of this specific linguistic phenomenon; also such a study would arouse the magazine editors’ attention to code-switching, and then this would help them to employ this communicative strategy more consciously and effectively.
2. Literature Review