
澳洲留学Essay范文参考:Business Case for Gender Equality: Critical Analysis

日期:2023年09月06日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:694
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309061208484117 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
nts the kind of results that female working staff can expect and the sort of requests that they can make. Business cases developed by corporates assumes that the only issues related to gender at workplace are associated with not using women’s ability to its fullest in higher roles of management. These business cases is evidently not concerned  with looking at the rights of casual workers, separation of work based on gender, handling low pay, part-time employment and work place power differentials (Colling & Dickens 1998). The success of these corporate business case reports is not measured in terms of correction of inequality in pay or segregation of gender but is measured with respect to the rise in the number of female and ethnic minority managers at the workplace (Colling & Dickens 1998).  Thus, the issue with corporate business case reports is also that it has restricted the debate on women equality to a very constricted scale of concerns.
In conclusion, the corporate business case on equality is undesirable as it limits, rather than giving enough room for the discussion on issues of social justice within the organizations. With the use of corporate business case, it allows the organizations an opportunity to argue their case based on economic grounds instead of it being justifiable based on concerns related to social justice (Colling & Dickens 1998). If the corporates are allowed to work out their own business case related to gender equality it is more likely to create discrimination at workplace rather than equality, as a number of social practices by which the market forces are analysed, only allow women to continue with unequal privileges within the organization (Colling & Dickens 1998). With the use of government developed business case reports, it would bring out more ways of analysing and reacting to a range of issues. Rather than using tools provided by financiers and economist, it would be more result oriented to use business case provided by the state to prepare, a more moral and inclusive societies.
With access to a legitimate business case discourse of social justice and equality at its disposal, the government would be indeed more capable of displaying some discursive leadership and handle the matters with more capability. They would be able to establish a forum that would lend an ear to a range of ideas and opinions. This would also assist corporates to do more for the cause. Higher management should stop standing by its own business case reports by dropping the notion that they are a neutral method of spreading the idea of racial and gender equality. Business cases of gender equality needs to be developed based on the ideas and opinion of working class women.
References 参考文献
Ahmed, S 2007, ‘The language of diversity’, Ethnic and racial studies, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 235-56.
Ahmed, S, Hunter, S, Kilic, S, Leach, T, Swan, E & Turner, L 2006, ‘Integrating Diversity: Gender,’Race’and Leadership in the Learning and Skills Sector’, Final Report.
Blackmore, J 2006, ‘Deconstructing diversity discourses in the field of educational management and leadership’, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 181-99.
The business case for gender equality,  2016, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Australian Government.
Colling, T & Dickens, L 1998, ‘Selling the case for gender equality: Deregulation and equality