Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) are the two most important terms of the market. The major difference between the two could be explained as one takes the form of investment and other financing. They are usually adopted by most developing countries. The measurement criteria for both the terms lie in the capital contribution made in the particular company or market. The most advantageous thing is the ignorance of debt creation. This is why these terms are preferred than External Commercial Borrowings which creates a debt trap for most of the countries.
The differences are evaluated according to the various arguments provided. The main aim of Foreign Portfolio Investment is to get maximum profits in the form of dividends or interest from securities. However, the returns from Foreign Direct Investment take the form of ownership in a company and thus are totally involved in the profit generation activities of the company. Thus the returns are much higher and certain as compared to the FPI returns (Shubhra 2016). Normally a portfolio investor prefers to keep his investment in an asset for a particular period of time however investment which is in the form of a business is for a much longer duration. Therefore FDI are for longer duration and FPI is for shorter duration (Cavusgil 2014). With FPI it is very easy to sell off the portfolio investment and pull out the securities. Hence, the volatility of FPI is much more as compared to FDI because the direct investors are highly committed to manage their cross border activities and are not likely to sell off the entire investment easily (Differen.com 2017).
Above mentioned discussion and arguments put light on the fact that both the terms FDI and FPI are beneficial and the simultaneous existence of both enhances the economic performance of a country.
Free market is a system of economy which creates interactions between buyers and sellers. These buyers and sellers normally have very few regulations. The interaction between buyers and sellers is such that the sellers can immediately respond to the preferences of buyers by increasing or decreasing their prices so that they can meet the demand. Therefore, if the demand goes up the sellers will incr