
Business Essay范文:Management Challenges to NGOs

日期:2022年12月27日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1319
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212270044558177 论文字数:2500 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
tional donors demand greater financial accountability and more concrete evidence of program impact. Small, independent NGOs find it hard to keep pace with more efficient, larger ones that take advantage of economies of scale in marketing, operations, and support services. The world of competitive market dynamics presents difficult paradoxes to many who work in the NGO sector. They believe that their organization’s strength, fuelled by the staff’s primary motivation, is in its determination to help people improve their lives. But in this more competitive NGO world, it is no longer enough to simply have good intentions and a strong value orientation. As noted by Lindenberg (2001), those working in the NGO sector now recognize that NGOs that do not adapt their strategies and promote greater impact, efficiency, and accountability run the risk of bankruptcy as well as irrelevance. Yet they fear that too much attention to market dynamics and private and public sector techniques will destroy their value-based organizational culture.
It has also been argued elsewhere that the management system for NGOs is supposed to be different from traditional management thoughts given by Fayol’s Modern Operational Management, Taylor’s scientific management and Weber’s Bureaucratic Model, because of their distinctiveness in vision, mission, organisational culture, goals and values from the other two sectors (Rahman 2003). Stemming from Henri Fayol’s (1916) definition of management as forecasting, planning, organizing coordinating and control, Rahman (2003) gave a possible definition of NGO management: ‘To manage an NGO is to forecast with shared vision, to plan strategically, to operate professionally and to lead culture friendly’. In this definition the word ‘organise’ used by Fayol has been replaced by ‘operate’ in order to give a more functional touch, and the word ‘control’ has been replaced by ‘lead’ because there is a minimum use of control in NGO management as the shared values of NGOs discourage the concentration of power at the hierarchical levels and in their functions.
Having agreed that management has gained importance for NGOs, what then are the key management challenges for NGOs? Though management challenges abound also in the public and private sectors, the NGO sector has a unique complex nature with its own characteristic management challenges ranging from funding problems to leadership, performance monitoring & evaluation, accountability, scaling up, human resources, organization culture, and professionalization. The following sections will however focus on the first five challenges I believe a key in NGO management.
Funding is a very major challenge in NGO management. NGOs require funds to carry out programs and maintain the organization. Unavailability of funds for an NGO could mean a total ‘standstill’. NGOs could most time depend on government for funding. However, NGOs that depend largely on public finance run the risk of becoming mere government subsidiaries by implementing activities formerly carried out by their own governments or multilateral institutions (Senillosa, 1998). Government po