

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1690
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008221915456977 论文字数:1400 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
You should enter your name and complete all other details on a BES coursework cover sheet and also ensure that your student ID number and the module number are on the front page of the coursework itself.
Coursework must be submitted both electronically via TURNITIN on the module web AND a hard copy to the William Morris Building Reception.
This coursework aims to assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Analyse the importance of the service sector and critically evaluate the difference between goods and varying forms of service provision.
2. Understand the main features of a "service" and be able to apply relevant marketing knowledge to that service.
3. Evaluate the academic debate around issues in services marketing.
4. Conduct a critical analysis of contemporary issues in the area of services marketing.
The report must comprise 1,750 words and be fully referenced in Coventry University Harvard style. Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with University and faculty policy.

Marking Scheme
See the attached sheet for more detailed information about coursework criteria and marking.

Report (To be submitted by 4pm on 1st March 2010)
• Reports should be more than descriptive collations of library material and should illustrate relevant aspects of theory and practice, and demonstrate thoughtful and critical analysis of issues. Marks will be awarded for particular evidence of analytical rigour, demonstration of understanding of relevant concepts, integrity and practical insight.
• University regulations on copying and plagiarism apply.
• Assignments should be word-processed and spell checked. Hand written work will not be accepted.
• The report must be fully referenced in Coventry University Harvard referencing style.
• Students MUST keep copies (electronic or photocopies) of all coursework submitted on this module.
Contents of the Report:
1. Title Page with the report title, module code, module title, your name, SID number, course, date submitted, the Turnitin score, and word count
2. Table of Contents including appendices
3. Report Summary (less than one A4 page– this will not be included in the word count)
4. Introduction
5. Main body of the report
6. Conclusions
7. List of References
8. Appendices (as appropriate)
Format of the Report:
1. Word count should not exceed an approximate 10% limit
2. Font Times New Roman Size 12 points
3. 1.5 line spacing
4. Header and Footer with Title and Page Numbers respectively
5. Single Side Printing on A4 paper
6. Submitted inside a plastic punch pocket – NO STAPLE
7. BES Coursework Cover Sheet attached
Late submission of assignments
Illness at around the time of the deadline is not sufficient reason to delay the submission of an assignment. Neither are ‘problems’ with a PC, printer, disc or memory stick. Assignments are issued weeks in advance; you should plan for contingencies in your work schedule. The module leader will not accept minor and routine illness or computer problems as reasons for late work.

Please note:
1. Penalty for late submission is 10% of the mark per calendar week or part of week. (Up to 2 weeks, then zero awarded.)
*NB Actual calendar weeks are counted, not just term time weeks.
2. Extensions will be in accordance with University and School policy and will only be granted by the Student Support Centre.
Choose ONE case company from ONE the following high-contact services sectors, and answer the following questions base on your chosen case company.
Sector choices:
Retailers (e.g. Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer)
Chain restaurants / cafes (e.g. Harvester, Toby; Starbucks, Costa)
Airlines (e.g. British Airways, EasyJet)
Chain hotels (e.g. Travelodge, Premier Inn)
Bank (e.g. Natwest, Barclays, HSBC)
Answer all of the questions below base on the chose case company.
1. Explain the key differences between the marketing of products and services by making reference to academic literature on the characteristics of services in general. Identify which cha