

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1690
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008221915456977 论文字数:1400 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
racteristics are particularly important in achieving service quality at your chosen case company, and justify your answers by using relevant academic theory.
(40 marks)
2. Prepare a service blueprint for your chosen case company with supporting discussion that addresses all of the following.
• You should consider what the tangible cues or indicators of service quality are likely to be from the customer’s perspective, considering the line of visibility.
• Are all steps in the process necessary and why?
• To what extent is standardization possible and advisable throughout the process?
• Where are the potential fail points located, how they could be designed out of the process, and what service recovery procedures could be introduced for dealing with services failures?
(30 marks)
3. Relating to evidence in your chosen case company and relevant academic theories and frameworks to address the following.
• Evaluate the importance of relationship marketing for services in general, and discuss to what extent relationship marketing is used by your chosen case company for its customer
• Discuss the importance of service quality for services in general, and explain what approach is the most appropriate for the chosen case company in measuring its service quality and examining the level of customer satisfaction.
(30 marks)

Possible Sources of Information
The reading list provided in the TPMR of the module.
The journal articles used in the seminars.
Electronic databases e.g. Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Emerald
E.g. Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Marketing
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retail Marketing
Advertising Age
Marketing Week
Return of Marked Work
Marked work will be returned via William Morris Reception. You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 4 weeks after the submission date.
Assignments should not be copied in part of in whole from any other source, except for any marked up quotations, that clearly distinguish what has been quoted from your own work. All references used must be given, and the specific page number used should also be given for any direct quotations, which should be in inverted commas. Students found copying from the internet or other sources will get zero marks and may be excluded from the university.