Feb 4, 2020 edited by Ruby
What is a summary?
A summary is a shortened version of one text such as an article, a chapter of a book, a whole book, a reporter or an essay. It may also be a brief description of a series of events, a play, opera or film.
What is the purpose of a summary?
The purpose of a summary is to give the reader a clear idea of the most important information in a given text.
How long is a summary?
Summaries can be any length, from one sentence to about a quarter of the original text, sometimes,a one-page summary of an article or a two-page summary of a book.
Preparing to Write:To write a good summary, it is important tothoroughly understand the materialyou are working with. Here are some preliminary steps in writing a summary.
1. Skim the text, noting in your mind thesubheadings. If there are no subheadings, try todivide the text into sections. Considerwhy you have been assigned the text. Try to determinewhattype of textyou are dealing with. This can help youidentify important information.
2. Read the text,highlightingimportant information andtaking notes.
3. In your own words, write down themain pointsof each section.
4. Write down thekey support pointsfor the main topic, but donotinclude minor detail.
5. Go through the processagain, making changes as appropriate.
Writing the Summary:
When writing the summary there are three main requirements:
1. The summary should cover the originalas a whole.
2. The material should be presented in a neutral fashion.
3. The summary should be acondensedversion of the material, presentedin your own words.
* * Also donotinclude anything that does not appear in the original. (Do not include your own comments or evaluation.) Be sure toidentify your source
我们写作的时候注意以上三个事项的同时,也要记得用一些总结性且客观的语言进行写作,例如the article claims, the auther suggests.
The essay/passage/author highlights …
The essay/passage/author argues in support of …, stating that …
The essay/passage/author argues that…
The essay/passage/author discusses…
The passage/author compares …
The passage/author outlines …
According to the passage, we know…
This article is mainly about…
The writer states that…
As can be learned from this passage…
The passage says that…
In this passage, the writer mainly tells us
about his experience of…
Example Summary Writing Format:
In the essaySanta Ana, author
Joan Didion’smain point is(state main point).According toDidion “…passage 1…” (para.3). Didionalso writes“…passage 2…”
(para.8). Finally, shestates“…passage 3…” (para. 12) Write a last
sentence that “wraps” up your summary; often a simple rephrasing of the main
point.For example:
In his paper “Global Implications of Patent Law Variation,” Koji Suzuki (1991) states that lack of consistency in the world’s patent laws is a serious problem. In most of the w