
帮写英国assignment:管理雇佣关系managing employment relationship

日期:2019年04月08日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:1949
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201904041436247888 论文字数:3796 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
1.0 Introduction引言
员工关系管理是企业采取各种措施,调整企业与员工、员工之间的相互关系和影响,以提高员工满意度,创造积极的工作环境,支持其他管理目标的实现的工作。S(Wok and Hashim,2015)员工关系管理对现代企业有积极影响,体现在提高员工的工作积极性和忠诚度,提高工作效率和管理效率,降低企业管理成本(Lee and Kim,2016)。本文首先回顾了有关员工关系管理的文献,以一家大型家族制造企业(以下简称公司)为研究对象,探讨了其在员工关系管理方面的不足。最后,对企业的发展提出了一些建议。Employee relationship management is the work of an enterprise’s adoption of various measures to adjust the interrelationship and influence between the enterprise and its employees, as well as between employees, so as to improve employee satisfaction to create a positive working environment to support the realization of other management objectives (Wok and Hashim, 2015) Employee relationship management has a positive effect on modern enterprises, which is reflected in improving work enthusiasm and loyalty of employees to improve the efficiency of work and management and reduce management cost of enterprises’ (Lee and Kim, 2016). This essay first of all reviewed literatures relating to employee relationship management, taking a large family owned manufacturing business (hereinafter referred to as the company) as the research objects to discuss its deficiencies in terms of employee relationship management. Finally, the author put forward some suggestions for improvement of the enterprise.
2.0 Main body 主体
2.1 concepts and principles about employee relations员工关系的概念和原则
2.1.1 Employee communication management员工沟通管理
Employee communication management refers to the management towards process of communication and feedback of information, knowledge, thought, emotion and so on between enterprises and employees. Employee communication management has great significance to the success of modern enterprise. Good employee communication management makes the information of all departments and personnel in an enterprise be fully shared, which improves the possibility of correct decision-making of the enterprise leaders (Jacobs, Yu and Chave, 2016). Employee communication helps management to understand staff work situation, it also helps employees to correctly understand the tasks and requirements assigned to them, prompting employees to be coordinated to work effectively (Karanges, Johnston, Beatson and Lings, 2015). Employee communication facilitates leaders to motivate subordinates to build good interpersonal and organizational climate, so as to improve employee morale (Jacobs, Yu and Chave, 2016). Good employee communication management includes work of two major aspects, first is establishing a good communication mechanism, so that employees have the opportunity through formal channels, informal channels to express their views. Second is to build an "open, sharing" corporate culture to develop a close relationship between leaders and employees, thus stimulating employees’ sense of pride, a sense of belonging for an enterprise (Jacobs, Yu and Chave, 2016).
2.1.2 Employee management by participation
2.1.3 Attention to the role of trade unions
2.1.4 Collective bargaining and joint consultation
2.2 Deficiencies of the company in terms of employee relationship management 
2.2.1 Employee inequality
2.2.2 Trade union
2.2.3 Lack of communication mechanisms
2.3 Recommendations
2.3.1 Maintain staff fairness
2.3.2 Improve trade union system
2.3.3 Establish efficient communication mechanism 
3.0 Conclusion
Employee relationship management is very important to the success of modern enterprise. The content of employee relationship management includes: employee participation management, communication management, trade union management and so on. This essay took a large family owned manufacturing business a