
MBA Assignment:战略变革模式 Strategic Change Models

日期:2018年02月06日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1671
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201707071235434272 论文字数:0 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

Models of strategic change can best be defined as the possible adjustments in the vision, mission, and objective of an organization towards achieving specific goals. It is the quality of the organizational strategy based on its competitive edge, applicable resources, scope as well as synergy. With regard to this definition, it is very obvious that strategic change can easily be influenced by both external environment and the states of firms. Considering business world nowadays, change is obviously inevitable. Besides, it is expected that firms must always leverage towards managing change in order to be competitively positioned otherwise, any organization that is found wanting with regard to change will certainly lose relevance in no time. Indeed, one can initiate model for strategic change in organization in various ways depending on the peculiarity of the organization, the prevailing situation or the organizational objective per time. Meanwhile, some of the models of strategic change that will always stand the test of times in any organization include:

A The Lewin's Model of change
The organizational change with this analogy is based on ice. More importantly, Lewis's model implies that when facing with change, the methodology must begin with the study of the in order to the reason and the type of change to plan for. As a linear model of change, the 3 steps it comprises are:

Unfreezing the firm. This is all about making change through gathering and comparing fresh facts which produces unavoidable situation for change. It begins with unfreezing the exact needs for the purpose of such needs based on the required change. Again, it has to do with deactivating the current practice while the new change is systematically introduced.

Moving or Change- This is the actual process of enforcing the required change.
Re-freezing- This involves how to move from the old or traditional approach to the new one permanently.

B Positive Model
This model of strategic change in an organization can best be described with President Bush doctrine on "pre-emptive strike" on change without waiting for any unsuitable circumstance prior to introducing necessary change. This approach in not unaware that that organization is performing well but keep building upon these encouraging attributes to enhance more effectiveness and efficiency in operation. It is particularly ideal for model for identifying ways by which organization must or can operate; unfortunately, it fails to consider the factors that necessitate changes.

C Action Research Model Strategic Change
This model in question can be intensified and involves heavy data when one of the staff discovers some bottleneck and need for change. As a result:

data relating to the situation is collected

The gathered data points out likely the strengths and weaknesses with regard to the situation by way of first feedback

A collective effort is made to find out the possible nature and causes of the issue at hand.
Prepare a coordinated attack and well planned solution for implementation
Gather additional data to verify the potency or weak points of the plan

In case satisfactory result is not achieved, the process is repeated over and again until desirable solution or feedback is achieved.

It is noteworthy to state that this model of change is demanding and it continuous cycle of producing theory and testing, carry out evaluation and sometimes repeating the hypothesis and testing.

D John P.Kotter 8 Model
This model can be summarized as follows:
Create consistent urgency. Motivate the stakeholders to take positive actions. Try to make the motive behind this realistic and most suitable.

Develop the regulatory team or group. Ensure that the appropriate individuals are nominated wit