

日期:2018年02月14日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1190
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201704251925236525 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
able form; (5) projections and budget revisions when needed; (6) compliance with government reporting and deadlines; (7) checks-and-balances, especially for cash management and check signing; (8) adequate insurance coverage, and, (9) adequate filing system.

Ingredient #5: An Effective Governing Body or Board of Directors

The governing body of a nonprofit is the board of directors. The board of directors is legally and ethically responsible for an organization and its effectiveness. It also helps to create a larger group of people who are invested in the organization. Board composition should reflect the diversity of the organization's membership and/or constituency. Organizations without effective boards of directors are limited in the scope and breadth of their work. Every board of directors works a little differently based on how it was founded, its age, and the size of the organization, the type of programs, and the availability of staff. Most effective governing bodies, however, carry out at least the following responsibilities: (1) provide strategic vision; (2) set organizational policy; (3) ensure the organization is complying with all legal requirements; (4) determine program and budget; (5) see that the program is carried out; (6) give and get money; (7) support public relations; (8) choose, support, and evaluate lead staff; (9) replace and train itself, and (10) evaluate the organization's effectiveness.

Ingredient #6: Intentional Volunteer Leadership and Staff Development

The "people resources" of an organization consist of volunteers and staff. Regardless of whether an organization has staff or not, a sustainable organization has key leaders, active volunteers at all levels, and a way to develop leaders throughout these different levels. Leaders and volunteers should represent the diversity of the organization's membership and/or constituencies it works with.

Opportunities at all levels of participation are important: from first-time volunteers at an event to working committees, from getting a mailing out to speaking at a public hearing, and from participation in an event to serving on the board for the first time. Ideally, an organization will harness an individual's interest in and commitment to the organization's mission, and then match the individual's availability with the work that needs to be done. This includes cultivating and training volunteers and giving them opportunities to take on new leadership.

For organizations that have staff, attention to hiring professional staff and creating a healthy working environment for them is key. On a day-to- day basis, staff persons are often the most visible players working on behalf of an organization's mission and goals. Once staff is engaged, systems to create clear expectations, workplans, evaluation procedures, and personnel policies are crucial to seeing this investment mature and grow over time. Staff also need professional development (training, new position, cross-training, etc.), an abundance of positive feedback, and policies that support their administrative and program work and help to motivate them on a day-to-day basis. Volunteers benefit from the same approach to clear work tasks, training, positive feedback and supportive policies.

Ingredient #7: Community Networking and Visibility

Strong partnerships with a broad base of other organizations help to build visibility for the organizatio