目前大约有12 亿 1000 万的人生活在印度,换个说法就是印度人口占约17.4%的全球人口,以购买力平价计算来说,以美元计算占了全世界 GDP 的 2.4%-5.5%。
一些国家在发展过程中高歌猛进,但是印度落后了。花了 40 多年,印度实际人均 GDP 从 1950年-1951 年至 1990年-1991年开始有所变化。但是印度在1991年-1992年,由于国际收支平衡严重灾难使得现代经济史上有了一个重要时刻提示也就成就经济改革,并解开它的增长潜力,并且结果只用了15 年,2006年-07 年度印度的人均的收入又翻了一番 。If India will maintain its current growth rate then, India's per capita income could definitely double by 2017-18 in next some years.
The key policy reforms since 1991-92, reviewing the economic progress made so far
Policy Reforms before 1991
Macroeconomic crisis of 1991 discernible a turning point in India's economic history for two reasons.
First, fiscal arrears driven external payment mishap with a dip in foreign exchange reserves to below US$ 1 billion in 1991.
Second, concurrently efforts were made towards wide ranging structural reforms surrounding areas of trade, management of exchange rates and industry, public finance as well as financial sector.
The main objective was to create a competitive environment to improve output and efficiency. New industrial policy fostered competition by
Abolishing monopoly restrictions
Terminating the phased manufacturing programmers
100% foreign direct investment
Import of foreign technology
De-reservation of sectors till then reserved for the public sector.
Only five industries are under licensing presently, mainly on account of environmental, health, safety and strategic consideration and two industries are reserved for the public sector and those industries are:
Reservation of industrial products for the small scale sector is still an enduring issue. FDI i.e. Foreign Direct Investment up to 100% is allowed under the automatic route in most sectors, but with a few exceptions.
The infrastructure sector is being in the hands of private sector. Because of the large requirements of funds for infrastructure, 100% FDI has been allowed in all infrastructure sectors. There are unmitigated tax holidays to encourage the business of development, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure facilities.
The monetary policy framework and its operating procedures in India have evolved over time with the changes in the macroeconomic structure and financial markets development.
After the deregulation of the financial sector, the stability of money demand became deduce. Because of that, Reserve Banks switched from monetary targeting framework, to a multiple indicator approach. In this approach, many indicators available on a high frequency basis. The various indicators are:
Rates of return in different markets
Movements in currency, credit, fiscal position, inflation rate, exchange rate etc
Refinancing and transactions in foreign exchange
The objective for the financial sector was to provide operational litheness and functional self-sufficiency to all the financial institutions so that they could allocate resources more efficiently. Some of the important initiatives in the financial sector were:
Reduction in statutory preemptions so as to release greater funds
Interest rate deregulation to enable price discovery
Allowing new private sector banks to create a more competitive environment
The trade policy reforms comprised
withdrawal of the quantitative restrictions on exports and imports
phasing out of the system of import licensing
Lowering the level of nominal tariffs and its dispersion as well.
India embarked on a well sequenced opening up of the capital account. Its framework was based on a preference for non-debt creating capital inflows like foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment.
Economic Progress after 1991
After 1990, India saw gradually breaking free of the low growth trap which was known as the "Hindu growth rate" of 3.5% p.a. Real GDP growth was increased from 5.7% p.a. to 7.3% p.a. in 1990 to 2000s. The main reason of this growth acceleration was that the growth rate of industry and services increased. Till the end of 1990, the "green revolution" had died down.