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酒店管理专业留学生Term Paper写作范文 - Assignment格式 - 无忧论文网


酒店管理专业留学生Term Paper写作范文

日期:2018年02月10日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:875
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201610180842159921 论文字数:3149 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:瑞士 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

本文是酒店管理专业留学生Term Paper写作范文,主要内容是讲述希尔顿酒店及度假村作为最知名的连锁酒店的相关管理内容。


Hilton Hotels and Resorts are one of the most renowned hotel chains located around the world (Ball, Jones, Kirck, & Lockwood, 2003). Most of the services that the firm offer is in the upstream luxury segment that are interested in full luxurious services and the firm is successfully catering to the needs of such group. The hotel chains of Hilton Hotels and Resorts include more than 3600 hotel chains that are located in 84 countries and four continents of the world. The firm is owned by Blackstone Group and the global headquarter of the organization is located in the Virginia state of the US. The size of the organization could be judged from the fact that during the year 2010, the total revenue that the firm reported was 11.32 Billion USD  (Hilton Annual Report, 2010).

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