.用Times New Roman12磅字体或其他易读衬线字体行文
.Block quotes格式
每条引用条目,悬挂式缩进,单倍行距。在MS Word中使用悬挂式缩进的方法:点击“格式”,点选“段落”,选择“缩进”,在“特殊格式”的下拉菜单处选“悬挂缩进”。
以上是小编翻译美国Fischler School of Education and Human Services 官方的assignment format。不知道看完之后对assignment格式是否有一定了解。不过在这里提醒下,美国大学对assignment格式要求并非都一样,最保险的还是问问你的老师。
以下是官方关于course assignments格式要求,现在小编将其贴出来!
Fischler School of Education and Human Services
All students are expected to use the following format for all written course assignments
.Title Page
.Body of Text
(If other sections are required, an explanation will be provided in the syllabus or course guide. For doctoral students completing applied dissertation documents, the Style Guide for the Applied Dissertation should be used. This guide is available from the Applied Research Center Web site at www.schoolofed.nova.edu/arc)
.Set 1” margins on all sides.
.Use left margin justification.
.Set the font for 12 pt with Times New Roman or other readable serif font.
.Use no bold or underlining. Underlining may be used for linking URLs if requested for certain assignments.
.Use no running heads or page headers.
.Use the “Insert” function to insert Arabic page numbers at the upper right corner with the same font as the text (no italics, periods, hyphens, underlining, or bold).
.Use white paper.
The title page will contain three single-spaced sections, vertically and evenly spaced and centered. It will contain no page number.
.Top section:
Title of the Assignment
Upper and Lower Case Style
.Middle section:
Student’s Full Name
Course code and CRN
Title of Course
.Bottom section:
Nova Southeastern University
Month, day, year
The Body of Text will start with the page number 2
.Indent for each new paragraph, the default on most word processors.
.Text is to be double-spaced.
.For headings and subheadings, follow current APA style as described in sections
In the following cases, single-spacing will be used.
.Block quotes
.Table of Contents
.Table titles and figure captions
The References list will start on a new page after the main body; pagination should be continuous throughout the main body and the References section.
The title is to be centered at the top of the page on the first available line (as shown below). The ensuing instructions show how each item will look with hanging indent.
For each entry, use hanging indent and single-spacing. To format for a hanging indent in MS Word, click on “Format,” selecting “Paragraph,” and choose “Indentation”; under “Special,” change to “Hanging.” Double-space between entries.
References are listed in alphabetical order and follow the current APA format. Hanging indent looks like these two instruction items. Appendix pages follow the References list.