art-up entrepreneurs and implant these characteristics into the cultures and activities of a large company. This can be a powerful remedy to large company staleness, lack of innovation and inertia that is common in mature organisations (Thornberry, N. 2003).
Entrepreneurial thinking is viewed as key drivers in the future success of the organisation. The identification, development, and capture of an entrepreneurial business opportunity should be included in all training interventions. Skills of entrepreneurs that have been identified as being within the scope of training are opportunity identification; shaping; and capturing. The kills that can be developed do not create an entrepreneur, they can only encourage skills that they already posses (Thornberry, N. 2003).
4.0 Conclusion 结论
The lattice structure of the organisation is at the core of the success, all values stem from this. This structure is almost unique in the business world, with few formal managers in place. Communication channels are open, although ad hoc.
It could be argued from a traditional aspect, without formal structures, that the organisation would be chaotic, but Gore’s success is testimony that it does work.
Fundamental to the success is the HR policy, recruiting to perpetuate the culture, rewarding good performance, mentoring new employees and encouraging natural leaders.
The entrepreneurial vision of the founders has been embedded in the organisation. This has allowed natural leaders to come forward, when their talent is required, and to withdraw when other skills are required.
The conflict of diversity is encouraged, with all employees valued for their opinion. This has maintained the learning culture of the organisation accepting and adapting to constant change.
These unique attributes has made them a successful organisation, this as a model should be followed by others, removing formal structure and the hierarchy of control.
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