
Paper写作范文:Managing in a Challenging Environment

日期:2023年08月05日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1037
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308051057489905 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:加拿大 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
3.5 Management Style 管理风格
A theory of managing organisation is that to manage you have to control; this argument has clear moral and ethical considerations. The idea of control is there are predictability, reliability, order and stability. With control the members of the organisation know what they have to do, and customers know when to expect the product or service. Control is in three key areas of the organisation (1) Economic, this is a necessary control, if this control breaks down then resources are wasted and money is spent inefficiently. (2) Psychologically, to create stable and predictable conditions, the well being of the work force, if this breaks down then uncertainty, ambiguity and disorder prevails leading to disruption within the organisation. (3) Political, they way powerful groups and individuals interact with each other. Decisions that are taken by managers are clear, without subordinates placing pressure on them, and forcing them to do what they want (Buchanan, D. & Hucczynski, A, 1991).
管理组织的一个理论是,要管理,你必须控制;这一论点有明确的道德和伦理考虑。控制的理念是具有可预测性、可靠性、有序性和稳定性。通过控制,组织成员知道他们必须做什么,客户也知道什么时候该期待产品或服务。控制在组织的三个关键领域:(1)经济,这是一种必要的控制,如果这种控制失效,那么资源就会浪费,资金就会低效使用。(2) 从心理上讲,为了创造稳定和可预测的条件,即劳动力的福祉,如果这种状况崩溃,那么不确定性、模糊性和混乱就会盛行,从而导致组织内部的混乱。(3) 在政治上,它们是强大的团体和个人相互作用的方式。管理者做出的决定是明确的,没有下属对他们施加压力,也没有强迫他们做自己想做的事。
Within Gore the managers appear naturally and are followed for their expertise on a particular area. As projects move on the leadership changes, these leaders are not developed with man management skills. This contradicts the traditional role of a manager who as a leader balances limited resources against the requirements of employees.
Because there are no managers, there are no hierarchies that push decision making through the organisation, there are no pre-determined channels of communication, thus prompting associates to communicate with each other. Associates don’t have titles; they aren’t locked into particular tasks, which encourage them to take on new and challenging assignments (Anfuso, D. 1999)
The two fundamental challenges to a manager are to (1) figure out what to do despite uncertainty and an enormous amount of potentially relevant information. (2) Get things done through a large and diverse group of people despite having little direct control over most of them. These challenges have severe implications for the traditional management functions of planning, staffing, organising, directing, and controlling. The traditional role of management is dated, and has undergone several attempts to modernise thinking (Kotter, J.1999).
管理者面临的两个基本挑战是:(1)在不确定性和大量潜在相关信息的情况下,弄清楚该做什么。(2) 尽管对大多数人几乎没有直接控制权,但还是要通过一大群不同的人来完成任务。这些挑战对规划、人员配备、组织、指挥和控制等传统管理职能产生了严重影响。管理的传统角色已经过时,并经历了几次思想现代化的尝试。
Development for managers, has traditionally fallen into the “nice to have” category rather than the “must have”. This embraces the idea that leaders are born and not made. The current managers in Gore have learnt their skills through on-the-job experience. The conventional assumption, that managers learn best through “doing” whenever possible. They come forward and use their expertise and then withdraw their supervision once the task is completed (Reader, A. 1998).
Transformational leaders are able to effectively communicate their vision to an organisation and provide an environment where individuals are empowered to achieve that vision. Instead of telling employees what to do, transformational leaders provide the tools that can help employees achieve greatness. A subset of transformational leadership is charismatic leadership, which is built on the idea that sheer force of personality can be enough to provide leadership to an organisation and