
Paper写作范文:Managing in a Challenging Environment

日期:2023年08月05日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1037
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inspire high levels of personal loyalty from employees to leaders (Mullins, L. 2005).
3.6 Organisational Learning 组织学习
Dixon (1994) describes the essence of organisational learning as “the organisation’s ability to use the amazing mental capacity of all its members to create the kind of processes that will improve its own” (Dixon 1994 cited in Wilson 1999). They are organisations where individuals constantly expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire. They have systems, mechanisms and processes in place, that are used to continuously enhance their capabilities to achieve sustainable objectives. To achieve this strategy there is an open culture which promotes learning in both formal and informal methods. Mistakes are discussed and reviewed, theoretically without blame being apportioned (Wilson 1999).
Through the constant reviewing learning organisations are adaptive to their external environment, continually enhance their capability to change/adapt, develop collective as well as individual learning and use the results of learning to achieve their objectives. There is free exchange of information, with systems in place to guarantee that expertise is available where it is needed; individuals network extensively, crossing organisational boundaries to develop their knowledge and expertise. All of these traits are present at Gore.
Employees are valued for their ideas, creativity and past experiences. Within this culture employees’ diversity is treated as strength, and individuals are encouraged to develop ideas, to speak out, and confront actions. With organisations requiring innovative skills to survive; this is based on complexity of the chaos theory. The format of Gore is viewed as self-regulating, emergent, open, whole systems. Capra (2002) discussed the change in organisations as “a contrast in the metaphor of organisations being machines to that of organisations as living systems” (Capra 2002 cited in Nixon 2004:58).
It has been discussed that the foundation of a “learning organisation” is uncomplicated, and therefore should be treated as such. It is based simply on the recognition that change is constantly with us. Problems are becoming more complex, with demands on resources greater; the available ‘technology’ is ever more complicated. The knowledge explosion and the pace of change demands an unparalleled learning reaction from organisations. With quickly evolving technology, declining natural resources and increasing global competition, lead to organisations needing learn more and learn it faster (Bennett, J & O’Brien. M.1994).
Hawkins (1994) discussed the application of a learning organisation as “a change at the heart of our understanding of learning, a shift from viewing learning as being abrupt facts to learning as a more multi-faceted and dynamic process” As Hawkins suggests, it is not that we are learning any differently than before but “our understanding of how we learn has begun to catch up with what happens in practice” (Hawkins, 1994:9).
The learning process has been challenged within Gore to create a culture that allows continual lear