
Paper范文:Social Psychology Theories in the 12 Angry Men Movie

日期:2023年02月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:779
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202302231505358628 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
duals, a high power, and close proximity puts more pressure on an individual. On the contrary, if the strength of the individual who feels the social influence (the social influence target) increases, the group’s immediacy is reduced, or if the target number is increased, the degree of influence put by the group on the target reduces (Latané & Wolf, 1981). This theory had direct applications to obedience and persuasion.
The social impact theory is applicable to this movie’s context and is quite relevant when interpreting the 12 Angry Men. Social impact theory outlines the personal and situational factors that influence group processes. Via the effort of researchers such as Sherif, Migram, Schacter, Asch, among others, social impact theory has been regarded as a function of the strength of source, source immediacy, the size of groups, norm awareness, dissention compatriots, gender, culture, and age.
In the film, two figures come out as leaders for two groups: those not supporting the innocence of the boy and one supporting the boy’s innocence. The latter group is led by Henry Fonda and the other by a businessman who is well dressed. In line with the social impact theory, both of them show strength and power. Each of the them is admired and has been accorded respect prior to the jury members changing their votes. Also, an extra factor in the power/strength element is evident from the behavior of the gentleman before the primary votes are cast. He is eager to convict the accused and such eagerness has been portrayed in a boisterous way that may be regarded as powerful. 
Conclusion 结论
The movie was initially aired at a moment when political upheaval and social injustice was being witnessed. At such a time, the movie mirrors the various growing aspects in the U.S, including scientific, moral, and social expansion. The movie illuminates different psychological theories that offer a basis for in-depth examination to understand group processes, conformity, and attitudes. Understanding such theories is necessary and beneficial in understanding ourselves further.
References 参考文献
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