
Paper范文:Social Psychology Theories in the 12 Angry Men Movie

日期:2023年02月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:803
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202302231505358628 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
of their needs and wishes. The film describes the lives of the jury members on a number of aspects; for example, one sickly jury member declares that he has three stations that he must attend to, which in some way implies to his businesses. This, among other declarations by some jury members, puts the whole team under a time constraint, which, in essence, has some role in the guilty and conformist votes that the jury members cast. 
The movie also exemplifies two sides; the guilty vs. not guilty, where each faction is led by individuals exhuming strength and power. The jury members had no prior relationship ties. Nonetheless, the two leaders prove that they are powerful and are a rich source of influence. Every member of the jury shows admiration and respect for the faction leaders before changing their votes.
Conformity is also facilitated by the immediacy aspect of the social impact theory (Rock & Rock, 2014). It would be difficult to dissent within the confines of the room that the jury members were in. Also, without anonymity, it would be more difficult to dissent. Norm perception is also a significant factor that enhances conformity. Prejudice and stereotypes were common at the time the movie was first aired. In a smart manner, the film scripters use the film to talk about the rampant and scornful racism. The sickly member of the jury uses racism to make his decision, which may have significantly contributed to the arousal of negative social norms and made others also to base their votes on the boy's ethnic background.
Henry Fonda, the one jury member who initially voted that the boy was innocent, demonstrates an aspect of the social impact theory, and majority influence while in support of others. The social impact theory outlines that when majority rulings are widespread and immediate, it leads to conformity (Rock & Rock, 2014). Fonda's not-guilty  only vote is not in line with this theory but supports the theory of an ally in dissent, which is an aspect of the theory of social impact and majority theory, that the existence of one individual who does not agree with the rest is likely to lead into other dissenting too. This happens later in the movie when Fonda influences the rest of the jury members to vote that the boy is innocent.
The age aspect of the social impact theory is also evident. Solomon Asch outlines that the conformity of older people is less likely (Kundu & Cummins, 2013), and this is seen when the oldest member of the jury becomes the first member to break from conformity and declare that the boy is innocent. Conformity happens through informational and normative social influence, and social impact and the influence of the majority. The movie portrays how efficient these theories are.
社会影响理论的年龄方面也很明显。Solomon Asch概述了老年人从众的可能性较小,当陪审团中最年长的成员成为第一个脱离从众并宣布男孩无罪的成员时,就可以看到这一点。整合通过信息和规范的社会影响、社会影响和大多数人的影响而发生。这部电影描绘了这些理论的效率。
Change of attitude and persuasion 态度和说服力的改变
Persuasion, being an integral element of attitude, is a significant aspect of the movie. Persuasion entails the processes by which attitudes are changed (Albarracín & Vargas, 2010). There are two persuasion routes, in line with John Cacioppo and Richard Petty: central and peripheral (Petty & Caciop