
Paper范文:Theories of Self Leadership 自我领导理论

日期:2023年01月17日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:691
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202301170141047780 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper



Introduction 引言
Self leadership is normally defined as a process whereby individuals are able to control their own behavior and at the same time lead and influence others to follow them (Neck, 2006). The individuals are able to use several behavioral strategies to empower and lead others. They also use several skills to attain self influence, self motivation and also achieve a certain self direction that is necessary to undertake the leadership process. Individuals who strive to become self leaders need to have certain competencies such as self awareness, tolerance, adaptability, emotional resilience, self reflection or assessment among others.
One needs to identify the growth experiences that exist and that can lead to development or provide support when one is carrying out the leadership process (Rothstein, 2010). In this context self reflection or self assessment in self leadership are held to be important practices when it comes to human resource development. This paper discusses and critiques self assessment within the context of self leadership and discusses the implications on contemporary human resource practice. It also gives recommendations on further research that can be done on self assessment in self leadership.
Literature Review 文献综述
Several studies have been carried out in regard to self leadership. Christopher Neck (2006) defines it as the process of controlling oneaa‚¬a„¢s behavior and at the same time leading and influencing others to follow the individual. To back up this definition Mitchell Rothstein (2010) puts it that the individual self leader needs to identify experiences for growth which they need to take advantage of so that they become better leaders and influence others to follow them. Mitchell also adds that the self leaders need to understand and examine themselves before they can undertake the task of leading others. Robert Lussier and Christopher Achua have discussed self assessment in the leadership context defining it as the process through which individuals review and gauge their performance for the purpose of improving their leadership performance. Authors Rajnandini Pillai and Susan Stites have however brought to light the drawbacks of self assessment in self leadership and human resource practices among them that the assessment instills too much confidence on the self leaders when they get a high score. The high score according to the two authors does not mean that the leader has effective leadership skills.
在自我领导方面进行了几项研究。Christopher Neck将其定义为控制一个人的行为,同时引导和影响他人跟随个人的过程。为了支持这一定义,Mitchell Rothstein认为,个人的自我领导者需要确定他们需要利用的成长经验,从而成为更好的领导者,并影响他人追随他们。米切尔还补充道,自我领导者需要了解和审视自己,然后才能承担领导他人的任务。Robert Lussier和Christopher Achua讨论了领导力背景下的自我评估,将其定义为个人为了提高领导绩效而审查和衡量其绩效的过程。然而,作者拉杰南迪尼·皮莱和苏珊·斯蒂茨揭示了自我评估在自我领导和人力资源实践中的弊端,即当自我领导获得高分时,自我评估会给他们灌输太多的信心。根据两位作者的说法,高分并不意味着领导者具有有效的领导技能。
David Andrew and Leanne Atwater on the other hand identify the 360 Feedback method as one of the self assessment methods that can be used in organizations as part of human resource development practices. The method leads to an improvement of the performance of the organization and its members. Rothstein also adds to the discussion by highlighting the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator method as a practice that can be used to improve the organization and impact the human resource practice. In light of the perspectives brought by the different authors on self assessment in self leadership and the impact on contemporary human resource practices, this paper adequately matches up to the discussion.
另一方面,David Andrew和Leanne Atwater认为360度反馈方法是一种自我评估方法,可以在组织中用作人力资源开发实践的一部分。该方法可提高组织及其成员的绩