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MBA Case Study范文:Leadership Development Case Study

日期:2023年08月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:789
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308121255255385 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
d to spend more time on talk with the staff who have negative emotions and try to address the source of the problem. And also need her to treat every employee fairly. In this way, she maybe will enhance the quality of LMX. And try her best to narrow the gap between two group.
To the second and third problem, Susan can use the strategies of interpersonal emotion management(IEM)In her case, she like to solve problems via strict task criteria instead of address why they have negative emotions. It makes a lot people resent her stance or complain her. Williams (2007) outlined four interpersonal emotion management strategies used to manage others’ emotions: situation modification, cognitive change, attentional deployment, and modulating the emotional response. (Gooty&Williams 2016) Hence, there are two kinds of solutions. In short-term, Susan can use attentional deployment in this case study. Attentional deployment involves distracting attention away from the elements of a situation. Susan can use humor distracting the follower in order to induce more positive will reduce negative emotions over a period of time. By using this strategy, leader does not alleviate source of negative emotion in the environment. Meanwhile even though followers feel good at that time, after a few days or several times, they will feel leaders ignored their emotion and also not be concerned. Gooty&Williams(2016) suggest Attentional deployment is a kind of emotion-focused IEM. And it will negatively relate to LMX. In this way, Susan just could use it during a period of time. In contrast, she can use situation modification or cognitive change in long-term. In her case, she has to change her mind, she can address why the staff do not want to attend the meeting and try to fix the problem by communicate with who has negative emotions. On the other hand, she also can courage the depress staff, show them the situation in a positive light, and everything will be better day by day. In both way, they are problem-focused strategy. Leader who use these strategies should attain 3 main points: met role expectations of the leader, create an attribution of benevolence, emotion rich communication in the relationship. After that, followers’ obligation is created, followers will fell their leader care about them and is watching out of them, and validated and promote open communicate of follower’s thought. Thus, LMX is enhanced, the core of IEMS is formed, the stage for the relationship better is set. (Gooty&Williams 2016)
Susan’s leader style is quite conform with Transactional Leadership. In this kind of leadership have two factors: Contingent reward and Management-by-exception. Contingent reward is an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specified rewards. (Northouse 2017, p171) In Susan’s case, staff by improving the efficiency for more opportunities or appreciated from general manager. Management-by-exception It is leadership that involves corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement. (Northouse 2017, p171) S