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MBA Case Study范文:Leadership Development Case Study

日期:2023年08月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:834
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308121255255385 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
y are highly efficient, getting things done, and also have more opportunity to new internal job as well as which is the most favored by management team. Overall, Susan and her in-group members have same goals and more egalitarian , the most important, they have a reciprocal influences to each other.
On the other hand, Susan’s leader style is focus on task and job requirements. She does not like to sitting down and asking’why’. Because of this, a number of members who are oppose to Susan’s leading method become an out-group. followers in the out-group are less compatible with the leader and usually just come to work, do their job, and go home (Northouse 2017, p139). In this case study, Johnson Fellows who is a member of out-group start to absent demonstrations of company products, morning teas and so on. After Susan hear about this, she just uses a transactional & technical approach and never solved emotional states. Therefore, this situation become worse and worse. Susan and out-group members are in the stranger phase. The interactions in the leader-follower dyad generally is rule bound, relying heavily on contractual relationships. They have lower-quality exchanges. The motives of the follower during the stranger phase are directed toward self-interest rather than toward the good of the group (Graen & Uhl-Bien 1995 ).
另一方面,苏珊的领导风格是专注于任务和工作要求。她不喜欢坐下来问“为什么”。正因为如此,一些反对苏珊领导方式的成员变成了一个局外人。外部群体中的追随者与领导者不太兼容,通常只是来上班,做他们的工作,然后回家。在这种情况下,小组成员Johnson Fellows开始缺席公司产品、早茶等的演示。Susan听说这件事后,她只是使用了交易和技术方法,从未解决过情绪状态。因此,这种情况变得越来越糟。苏珊和小组外的成员处于陌生人阶段。领导者-追随者二元关系中的互动通常是受规则约束的,在很大程度上依赖于契约关系。它们的交换质量较低。在陌生人阶段,追随者的动机是为了自身利益,而不是为了群体的利益。
Because of Susan’s leadership style, the out-group members are increasingly demonstrating. The LMX theory also has some criticisms, one of the most important drawback is the theory runs counter to the basic human value of fairness. it gives the appearance of discrimination against the out-group. (Northouse 2017 ,p147) It is perhaps the mean reason why Johnson does not attend to some meeting hostile to other staff. The felling about unfair will cause conflict and deteriorate relationship between leader and members. This situation would tend to low staff morale even to increasing the rote of staff turnover.
Question2 问题2
In Ridgeway case, there are several problems. In the first place, staff is divided into two organize under Susan’s leading. In addition, because of Susan used modulating the emotional strategy during her work and does not acknowledge her staff’s feeling as valid also not going to work to alleviate them. It causes that out-group members are dissatisfied to her. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, some staff who have worked for Ridgeway for more than 10 years miss and hope to the high-quality LMX.
在Ridgeway 的案例中,有几个问题。首先,工作人员分为两部分,在苏珊的领导下组织起来。此外,由于苏珊在工作中使用了调节情绪的策略,她不承认员工的感觉是有效的,也不去上班来缓解情绪。这导致小组成员对她不满意。此外,如前所述,一些在Ridgeway工作了10多年的员工怀念并希望获得高质量的LMX。
To the first problem, Followers in the in-group receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers (Northouse2017, p139), so that, out-group members have no chance to communicate with their manager, and also the manager would not waste time on contribute a high-quality LMX with members. After that, the relationship between Susan and out-group will be worse. The solution to this problem Susan shoul