案例研究方法涉及所有方面的详细、整体、未来调查,可以利用一系列不同的测量技术,如方法学工具。这些数据可以长期收集并与行业相关。关于公司的历史或故事也是可以评估和记录的,而不仅仅是经验数据。 There are 8 steps to conducting a case study: 进行案例研究有8个步骤:
1) set up the broad case to investigate 设立广泛的案件进行调查
2) set up the research questions 设置研究问题
3) Select the particular cases to be used 选择要使用的特定案例
4) Determine data gathering and analysis techniques 确定数据收集和分析技术
5) Prepare to collect of the data 准备收集数据
6) Collect the data 收集数据
7) Analyse the data 分析数据
8) Prepare the report 编写报告
Methodology Review : 方法审查:

Applicability of case studies method in context information management 案例研究法在情境信息管理中的适用性
In term of the applicability in context information management, as we know, information management nowadays is developing to manage the information. To understand what information management is, the researcher nowadays interest to more case study in this field or area. Nowadays there are lots social scientist do the research. The information management are include the how to manage the information. By doing the research or case study in this area, the researcher must know the trend of the current research or issues . It’s important to know the trend because it making easier to the future study.
For example, if the researcher do the research or case study on the impact of use the media social, the researcher must know about the previous research and need to suggest he future reading to the reader. Besides that, by doing the case study, it allows the researcher to explore deeply the issues. Information management more to understanding how to manage the information, the type of the information and so on.
Case study have been use in information management research to suggest various types of findings. The approach of case study method also can develop many theory and model such as utaut model 1 and 2 , TAM models and so on. The case study can give comprehensive understanding on the phenomena or the specific field in information management. It is helps the researcher by doing the decision making.
In the nut, case study methodology are most important method to investigate deeply certain field. Nowadays, Case studies being speedily increasingly famous among the qualitative and quantitative researchers. This types of methodology provide the flexibility on the development, design and the methods’ technique in the case study. Moreover, case studies are consider to use I many research that can be the other alternative in qualitative or quantitative research because of case study is the best of methodology in research.
Moreover, case studies observe many variables or elements to complete the event or research. Case study using documents, observation and also the interviews as the main sources of the information. Most the case study assigns and allocate the point from the case study. Supporter or the researcher will hold which means that it is depends on the situations behavior. The good case study must have creativity, the design, innovation in the context of the research.
Yin (2009), also mention that case study can relies with many source