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日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:17421
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241318481453 论文字数:10235 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
China and the other one is in New York, USA. The development and expansion of the group has its own reasons. Its innovations and technologies update in a fast pace. The group has excellent research and development team in which the staffs are the high-tech talented persons all over the world to guarantee its innovative speed and products quality. It makes a great contribution to the world’s personal computer technical development (Ming, 2009).

3.2 Performance appraisal system in Lenovo Group

Lenovo Group belongs to knowledge- intensive firms. The performance appraisal system of Lenovo Group combines organizational objectives and performance appraisal. The business goals settled are from the top level and the entity level down to every small working position. Hence the goals and responsibilities are distributed to small ones in order to fit positions. Then effective appraisal and monitoring system are used to reach the efficient operation. After understanding the goals, performance appraisals begin to be implemented. Lenovo Group utilizes many kinds of means to implement performance appraisal. 

3.2.1 Regularly check and discuss

The performance appraisal on managers, for example, every manager may regularly write a report on his past performance, self- evaluation and plans for the next period of time. The plans must be discussed with higher managers in order to keep consistent with the whole objectives.

3.2.2 Quantitative evaluation and refinement to individuals

The evaluation system is multi-angle and all-round. The system includes the evaluation of managers to subordinates, the assessment of the same level, from lower levels to higher levels evaluation and departmental interaction evaluation. 

The content of performance appraisal on employees can be divided into two aspects. The first one is performance results appraisal which based on the demands and objectives of the organization. The second one is the appraisal of personal behaviors and abilities which reflects the core value and culture of the Lenovo Group.

The performance appraisal system in Lenovo gives evaluations not only on individuals’ performance but on the department performance. Departmental appraisal aims at guiding departments to function according to strategic objectives and motivating departments to complete the work effectively in order to reflect department value. The appraisals of department and employees are conducted once every quarter, while departmental interaction ratings and democratic evaluation are held once a year.

3.3 Analysis of performance appraisal system in Lenovo Group

3.3.1 Performance appraisal and HRM

Human resource management in Lenovo Group is performance-based. Hence the evaluation of employees’ and organizational performance is critical. After appraisal, the enterprise can make subsequent decisions. The result of the appraisal can be utilized adequately in Lenovo Group. The Group adopts appraisal interview. Through the interview, the good performance of employees is affirmed. On the other hand, poor performance can get guidance and suggestions in order to allow the employees to work more effectively and smoothly. After the employees understand the weaknesses of themselves, they can improve the ways of work towards the demands of the organization. At the same time, the results are fair and open to the public. By doing this, the satisfaction of employees increases and the complaint decreases. Human resource management department build database for every employee’s appraisal result and then the department use the records as direct foundation for salary, compensation, reward, position exchange, promotion and dismission. The appraisal results have an incentive function on employees. Besides, according to the results, the managers can manage employees and performance more conveniently. Because Lenovo is a knowledge- intensive enterprise, the knowledge storage of its employees is very important to the research and development of computer techn