[ key words] family education china and the west tradition difference comparison
[ 摘要 ] 近几年来,随着素质教育的深入人心,家庭教育已经成为当今社会关注的一个热点,是千万家庭的切身利益和迫切需求所在。因为,良好的家庭教育直接关系到了孩子的素质和品行,更关系到祖国的未来。就中国目前来看,家庭教育的发展态势良好,一大批家长、学校创造了成功的经验,更有许多学生家长主动学习家庭教育知识,教育观念发生了深刻变化。但是尽管如此,家庭教育仍是一个薄弱环节,尤其是随着西方教育思想的传入,中国家长面对传统与现代家教思想,表现出无所适从的无奈。因此,对于开展家庭教育,既是机遇,又是挑战。而且,中西家庭教育各有千秋,在不同方面,教育方法也不同,所以我们就需要深刻了解中西家庭教育的差异,取长补短,并且不失时机地推进家庭教育现代化,这样中国的未来才具有不可估量的发展前景。
[ 关键词 ] 家庭教育,中西,传统 ,差异 , 比较
From ancient times to modern times, family education has been playing an important role in the national educational cause. A great man-Xiaoping Deng said, “The basis of a country's modernization lies in talents, the basis of talents lies in education, and the basis of education lies in family. China is a country with emphasis on the home education. The outstanding home education in the deep education culture.” The family education, the school education and the social education are the three big props of education. They are indispensable. Nowadays, increasing attention has been paid to family education by the modern society, and it gets a hot spot of society, which is closely related to tens of thousands of families' vital benefits and urgent need.
At present, family education maintains a good momentum of growth in China. It gets more and more important to Chinese families. Throughout the ages, many men of insight work delightly in the field of home education, and accumulate quite substantial achievements. And China is an oriental country with a long history, its deep educational culture includes the elements of excellent family education. As we all know, China’s ancient educatinal thought want through the ancient family educational field.[ “Family Instruction of Yan” , Zhitui Yan, Southern and Northern Dynasties] For example: moral instructions first; the respect for old; the care for the young; the cultivation of moral character; example setting; the determination of being strong; learned profound knowledge, careful consideration; and so on. These outstanding thoughts are go back to ancient times.
Nevertheless, there are still a lot of problems emerging out in that family education, which is still weak. The education expert concerned, who made the long-term pursuit of investigations, thought that 2/3 family education is improper. All the analysis justifies the conclusion : the first, malignant events