
帮写美国留学生作业-America: it’s Education——Focused on Yale University

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3699
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201206261356551038 论文字数:652 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
相关标签:EducationYale University

America: it’s Education——Focused on Yale University


Yale University is an American private Ivy League research university located in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Incorporated as the "Collegiate School," the institution traces its roots to 17th-century clergymen who sought to establish a college to train clergy and political leaders for the colony.

In 1718, the College was renamed "Yale College" to honor a gift from Elihu Yale, a governor of the British East India Company. In 1861, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences became the first U.S. school to award the PhD. Yale became a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900. Yale College was transformed, beginning in the 1930s, through the establishment of residential colleges: 12 now exist and two more are planned. Yale employs over 1,100 faculty to teach and advise about 5,300 undergraduate and 6,100 graduate and professional students. Almost all tenured professors teach undergraduate courses, more than 2,000 of which are offered annually.

The history and the teaching of Yale will be intreduced in this pape At first, the history will be discussed . And then,the teaching will be talked about in an objective attitude.

Key words: Yale university  teaching  history  major objecter

1 IntroductionThe Yale university offers a wide range of courses in various traditions of philosophy, with strengths and a well-established reputation in the history of philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of art as well as other central topics. We also have affiliated faculty members in the Law School, the Classics Department, the Linguistics Department, the Political Science Department, and the Divinity School, and have close connections with the Cognitive Science Program. Our undergraduate major is thriving, in no small part, because of the excellent teachers on our faculty. Our graduate program welcomes students from various backgrounds, and our placement record for graduate students is excellent.
The Department's main office is located in New Haven's oldest building, Connecticut Hall, on Old Campus, across the West Side of the Green, through Phelps Gate (right by the statue of Nathan Hale).
The Yale university has a long history.It began in 1701. In 1718, the college moved to New Haven, Connecticut.Meanwhile, a rift was forming at Harvard between its sixth president Increase Mather and the rest of the Harvard clergy, whom Mather viewed as increasingly liberal, ecclesiastically lax, and overly broad in Church polity. In 1718, at the behest of either Rector Samuel Andrew or the colony's Governor Gurdon Saltonstall, Cotton Mather contacted a successful businessman in Wales named Elihu Yale to ask him for financial help in constructing a new building for the college. The Yale Report of 1828 was a dogmatic defense of the Latin and Greek curriculum against critics who wanted more courses in modern languages, mathematics, and science.In the 20th, some subjcts came into being ,such as medicine, behavioral sciences and biology. In the meanwhile ,more and more women came to Yale to finish their study. In the 21th, several explanations have been offered for Yale’s representation in national elections since the end of the Vietnam War. Various sources note the spirit of campus activism that has existed at Yale since the 1960s, and the intellectual influence of Reverend William Sloane Coffin on many of the future candidates.
The university is one of only seven institutions of higher education in the world that is need blind and full-need to all of its applicants, including international students. And Yale has a lot collections. Yale's museum collections are also of international stature. The Yale University Art Gallery is the country's first university-affiliated art museum. It contains more than 180,000 works. For all these