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中美mba教育研究的帮写MBA essay

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3048
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw201011251507402769 论文字数:15596 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P><FONT face=宋体>目录<BR>摘要</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=宋体><FONT face=宋体>我国MBA教育从1991年开始招生至今,经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的MBA培养院校已达127所。在这十七年的发展历程中,我国的MBA教育围绕着“时代需求”和“实践需求”经历了从模仿、改造创新,到再模仿、再创新的过程。肩负着为我国市场经济建设培养大批合格管理人才的重任,并在不断改革和探索的基础上逐步形成符合中国实际情况、适应社会主义市场经济体制与国际管理教育接轨的教育模式。目前MBA培养院校办学形式和办学种类多样,各院校综合实力和办学条件参差不齐,在MBA招考方式、MBA教育课程设置、MBA教育教学方法等方面都存在诸多不足。<BR>美国MBA教育创立于1908年,从创立起至今的一百年里一直兴盛不衰,对社会、经济影响深远。在一个世纪的变迁中,MBA教育逐步走向成熟,并形成了较为完善的教育体系。它的理论基础是经济学,知识结构则跨越经济学、自然科学、人文科学的不同领域,并有机结合起来。它的研究对象涵盖了企业经济运作中的各个不同方面,充分体现了市场经济运行的典型特征。有比较才有鉴别,因此,在教育竞争日益激烈的情况下,如何提高我国MBA办学的质量是我们面临的一大挑战。本文通过对比中美两国的MBA教育,旨在发现我国MBA教育发展现实中存在的问题,通过系统分析与比较研究,寻找其合理内核,以期为我国MBA教育发展提供经验借鉴,使我国MBA教育发展战略更为合理化、规范化、科学化,从而促进我国MBA教育向健康、有序方向发展。本论文首先对MBA教育的内涵、目的、类别加以界定,并对中美MBA教育发展历程作了简单回顾,以此为基础,从以下四个方面进行对比研究:<BR>第一,中美MBA教育招考方式;第二,中美MBA教育课程设置;第三,中美MBA教育教学方法;第四,中美MBA教育质量评估模式。以比较为基点,对我国MBA教育提出相应的改进建议。<BR>关键词:中国,美国,MBA教育,研究生教育,比较研究</FONT></FONT></P><FONT face=宋体> <P><BR>ABSTRACT</P> <P><FONT face=宋体>China's MBA education started enrollment of students in 1991 and to date,the number of MBA training institutions that has been approved by the State Council Office of Academic Degrees Committee has reached 127.During the more than 10 years of development,China’s MBA education was modeled around“the needs of the times"and"practical needs"experienced from imitation, transformation of innovation,further imitation,reinvention process.This provide a base for China’s market economy and train a large number of qualified management personnel with the mission to continue with reforms on the basis of gradual transformation in line with China's actual situation and to adapt to the socialist market economic system and link it with the international education management model.Currently there exist wide disparities in MBA training institutions in the form and type of courses,institution’s capacity,student recruitment conditions,MBA education curriculum, MBA education and teaching methods.<BR>MBA education in the US was founded in 1908,and to date in its 100 years of flourishing growth it has had far reaching socio-economic impact.In a century of change,MBA education has gradually grown into fairly complete educational system.Its theoretical base is economics,knowledge structure goes beyond economics,natural sciences,humanities in different areas all combined.The study covers various aspects of economic operations of enterprises;the market has fully embodied the typical characteristics of economy.It is through comparison we can have distinction,therefore,under such increasingly competitive circumstances in education,ways to improve the quality of MBA education in Chinese institution is becoming a major challenge.This thesis through a comparative study of MBA education in China and USA,aims to uncover problems that exist in the development MBA education in China,through system analysis,search for reasonable core problem with a view to acquiring experience for the development of MBA education in China in a more rationalized,standardized and scientific development strategy in order to promote a healthy MBA education and an orderly development.</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=宋体>This thesis firstly gives the definition of MBA education,purpose,categories,brief review of the development of MBA education with these being the baseline,comparative study shall be conducted on the following four aspects:<BR>First,China-USA MBA Education Recruitment methods;Second,China-USA MBA education curriculum;Third,China-USA MBA education teaching methods;Four,China-USA MBA education quality assessment model.With comparison as the basis,make corresponding recommendations for MBA education improvement in China.<BR>Key Words:China,United States of America,MBA Education,Graduate Education,ComparativeStudy</FONT></P> <P><BR>引言</P> <P><BR>MBA教育作为一种培养工