

日期:2018年07月31日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1919
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201807291856538741 论文字数:36241 所属栏目:MBA论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

第一章 About Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics and supply chain management are not new ideas to the world. Doesnot matter whether we tal about building of the pyramids thousand of years ago or tothe relief of hunger in Africa now days, the principles are the same: the effective flowof materials and information in order to meet the requirements of  customers”. Thisprinciple has changed nothing from the beginning.As in many other area of life, logistics was  invented” by the armies. Battles,wars, history was decided through logistics strengths and capabilities – or the lack ofthem. The defeat of the British in the American War of Independence can largely beattributed to logistics failure. The British Army in America depended almostentirely upon Britain for supplies. At the height of the war there were 12,000troops overseas and for the most part they had not only to be equipped, but fedfrom Britain. For the first six years of the war the administration of these vitalsupplies was totally inadequate, affecting the course of operations and themorale of the troops. An organisation capable of supplying the army was notdeveloped until 1781 and by then it was too late.In the second world war logistics also played a very important role. The AlliedForces’ invasion of Europe was a highly skilled exercise in logistics, as wasthe defeat of Rommel in the desert. Rommel himself once said that ‘… beforethe fighting proper, the battle is won or lost by quartermasters” (Christopher1)i.Despite of the understanding of the critical role of logistics of army leaders,logistics and supply chain management yet ininfiltrated into business organisationsquite late.There are many definitons for both logistics and Supply Chain Management.Definitions hat has changed as time has changed. I choose one of each what I thinkdescribe the best what logistics ans Supply Chain Management is about.Logistics –  The process of planning, implementing, and controlling theefficient, cost effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory,finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of consumptionfor the purpose of meeting customer requirements” (Council of LogisticsManagement definition)ii.Supply Chain Management –  The proccesses from the initial raw materials to theultimate consumption of the finished products linking across supplier-user comapnies.The functions within and outside a company that enable the value chain to makeproducts and provide services to the customers” (Fredendal and Hill 3)iii.An intresting debate between experts, professionals how they think about SupplyChain Management and Logistics.

1.1. Perspectives of Logistics vs Supply Chain
According to Paul D. Larson, Phd. there are four schools and they all thinks aboutLogistics and Supply Chain little differnet. In my opinion none of the school isabsolutely wrong or right. There are some thoughts in all the four schools I can agreewith. The closest to my conception of Supply Chain versus Logistics is the unionistschool. I also think Logistics is one chain-link in the link. But such areas likemarketing is not part of the Supply Chain as I think.I. Traditionalist: Thinks Supply Chain Management is just a small part ofLogistics.II. Re-labeling: Re-labelists thinks it is just about rebranding. What was Logisticsbefore it is Supply Chain Management now.III. Unionist: Logistics is part of Supply Chain Managemnet. Supply ChainManagement subsumes Logistics. Mentzer believes Supply ChainManagement consists of puchasing, logsitics, operations, marketing, sales,research and development, forecacting, finance, information systems andcustomer service.IV. Intersectionist: This concept says that Supply Chain Management is not theunion of Logistics, marketing, operation management, purchasing or otherfunctional