

日期:2018年07月30日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1908
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201807282044024065 论文字数:36142 所属栏目:MBA论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1.1 Background
The majority of the people think that China is still that country with cheap andunqualified labour and low-quality products. The truth is China’s GDP measured at purchasingpower parity is the highest in the world. The rapidly growing Chinese middle class and eliteconsumer habits are so strong, they can determine a company’s existence. China has the world'slargest hydroelectric power plant, high-speed train network and it operates the world's largestgreen (renewable) energy program. The Chinese minimum wages in several provinces arebeyond the Hungarians. In Europe Xiaomi – the world's third largest mobile phone producer – isstill relatively unknown to the public; it has proved that not only in the number of sales, but alsoin product quality, design and marketing it is a serious competitor to Apple and Samsung. Theseare only several examples, which prove that China cannot be forgotten or left out from theHungarian economic policy and from its foreign economic strategy.Hungary is a relatively small country in the Central Eastern region of Europe. Its relationwith China has a long history. Hungary is called ‘xiongyali’ (匈牙利) in Chinese, which comesfrom the word ‘xiongnu’ (匈奴) which is a term for the Asian Huns. This has a message for theChinese that Hungarian people are somehow related to them. An interesting fact to prove thistheory is that Hungarian is the one and only nation in Europe which writes their names in thesame order than the Chinese, namely first comes the family name and then the given name.Moreover the form of dates (year-month-day) is identical to the Chinese way, too unlike to anyother European country.

1.2 Aims, Objectives and Key Issues
This dissertation is an extensive research of the Hungarian and Chinese economic andtrade relations, furthermore this thesis is discussing possibilities in the future cooperation of thetwo nations, as well as it is presenting scenarios for the Hungarian government on how torepresents its foreign economic policy towards China. The following key issues are going to bediscussed in this paper:(1) Analyse the characteristics of Hungarian and Chinese economies(2) How to strengthen the economic relationship between the two countries.(3) Find China’s place and role in the Hungarian foreign economic strategy.(4) Give Hungarian and Chinese enterprises a clearer view about investing, in order to besuccessful in each other’s market.The collaboration between the two nations’ enterprises has many advantages. Hungarianenterprises should follow the lead and example of the recent successful acquisition of Wanhuaand BorsodChem. And Hungary has to grab the possible opportunities in the future to attractmore Chinese investors.


2.1. China in the Global Economic Map
Since the early 1990s China has gradually become the main driving force of the world'seconomic growth. Although being a one-party political system in case of economic sectors – andterritorially differentially – however, the rules of the market economy widely prevail. Thecountry shows a dynamic economic performance over the past 20 years with an annual growthrate of 7% persistently. As a result in 2011 China became the second largest economy of theworld after the USA, and it has produced 15% of the global GDP. In 2009, after the deepeningglobal financial and economic crisis the Chinese economy’s increase lost its dynamics. In 2013the Chinese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by 7.7%, which was the lowest growth in thelast 13 years. The loss of dynamics – in addition to the subdued external environment – was aconsequence of the overheated real estate market and the lending processes. In 2011 theconsumer prices rose by an average of 5.4%, which narrowed down the manoeuvres of themonetary policy in terms of boosting t