Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge of how people and groups of people act in an organization. An organization thrives on the vision set, management philosophies, values and the leadership. The culture of a specific organization determines the type of leadership, communication, group dynamics and human capital. Good leadership is vital for a business to survive in this digital age. Leadership is about coping with change. Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people towards the achievement of set goals. Effective leadership is owed to initiation where a leader is likely to define the structure of his role and those under him, as well as consideration for all by having mutual trust and respect.
Communicating in any organization leads to maximum utilization of opportunities and also serves as an eliminator of all threats that can lead to the failure of an organization. A good communication system leads to improved relationships between the players hence a good working environment is created. In an organization where the working environment is available, the personnel comes together in teams to discuss the organizations goals and also team work is applied in the realization of goals. Human capital is the stock of competences, knowledge, habits and personality attributes. The concept of human capital recognizes that not all the workers in an organization are the same. It is the knowledge that the attributes of each person can be used productively in a commercial context. In the place that is the organization, with human capital and communication to direct the organization, self-assessment is imperative.If done properly can benefit an organization a whole lot more. Self-evaluation is important to performance appraisal to a company hence very profitable to human capital as well as organization leadership.
Self evaluation gives leaders broader perspective. A manager receives better insight into an employee’s performance and their general perceptions and believes regarding a job. Manager’s work closely with their employees but it is not enough to understand all the factors that affect them. Through self assessments, managers get a closer look at factors that affect employees their performance and their motivation. These evaluations help the employees communicate their needs, strengths and weakness to their leaders’ thus increasing efficiency at the work place.
Self evaluation promotes communication in regards to performance. A self assessment is a communication tool that leaders use to spark discussion between them and their employees. An employee provides relevant background information in his assessment which serves as an opportunity for their employer to know them better. Effective organizational management requires communication to flow both ways between the leader and the led. Employees are able to bring to light their priorities, challenges faced and general discussions about performance. Self evaluations are also beneficial in helping an organization revise their communication ways from top down to a two way dialogue which if includes in the organizations culture can prove very crucial.
Self evaluation aids in solving issues before the review meeting. The assessment enables employees to flag their in perception of their performance before the review meeting is held. The self appraisal enables a manger to be ready for the review meeting thus making it easier to have a fruitful discussion and fair performance ratings. The assessment is really