

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:15824
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200704062140313888 论文字数:44864 所属栏目:组织行为学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘要:本论文是对中日企业应用组织行为理论来进行企业管理的比较研究。国内外的实践证明,组织行为理论在研究员工的各种需要、行为、人与人之间的关系、个人与集体之间的关系,研究上述诸因素与组织目标的关系,并据此进一步研究改进生产环境,组织结构,管理方法,协调人际的关系,从精神上、物质上引导员工充分发挥他们的劳动创造性和工作积极性,提高工作效率和工作效益,推进企业的可持续发展,有着极其重要的作用 本论文首先对基本的组织行为理论进行了重点研究;在此基础上对中国的海尔集团和日本的松下公司应用组织行为理论来管理企业进行了实证分析和对比分析;最后对中国企业如何应用组织行为理论来管理企业提出了建议。 本论文的研究结果表明: (1)组织行为理论的思想基础是“社会人”,它着眼的基本点是将人作为管理活动的核心。利用组织行为理论来管理企业,可以有效地形成企业的凝聚力和团队精神,可以充分地激发员工的创造性和积极性,可以极大地提高企业的工作效率和经济效益,可以推动企业的可持续发展。 (2)对于企业的可持续发展来说,现代企业管理制度是基础,组织行为理论与方法是催化剂和助燃剂;二者的合理搭配与波动均衡,可推动企业的可持续发展。一个优秀的企业管理者,不但要懂得现代企业制度的有关理论与方法,而且还要懂得组织行为学的有关理论与方法,才能调动员工的积极性,推动企业的可持续发展。 (3)全员参与、因势利导、以人为本,是海尔集团运用组织行为理论推动企业管理的集中表现。劳资同权、人力资源核心论、尊重人性,是松下公司运用组织行为理论推动企业管理的集中表现。在组织行为理论的应用方面,中日企业既有共同点、又有差异点。从应用组织行为理论来管理企业的总体效果而言,目前日本企业暂时胜中国企业一筹。 (4)在企业管理中、组织行为理论应用的广度和深度,与生产力发展的水平有关;应用的效果和效益,与管理者的领导能力和员工的综合素质有关;组织行为理论在企业管理中的应用与推广,是一个循序渐进的过程,不可能存在跨时空的飞跃。 (5)目前,组织行为理论在中国企业管理中的应用,有着广阔的需求市场。我们应当根据我国企业推行现代企业制度改革、以及加入WTO后面临各种机遇和挑战的实际情况,积极引进西方的组织行为理论,并结合我国有关的儒家文化思想,创新出新的管理理论和管理方法,用以推动我国企业的可持续发展。 英文摘要:This study is a comparative study of applying the theory of organization behavior to business management between enterprises in China and Japan. Experiments from the world have proved that the theory of organization behavior has an important effect on researching the relations among all kinds of the staff demands, behaviors, the relationships of personal and the relationships between person and collective. The theory of organization behavior researches the relations among the above factors and organization objectives. It also studies how to improve the production environment, organizational structure, the method of management and relations among people. The theory of organization behavior leads staff to bring them into full play in working hard and creativeness. It can promote work efficiency and benefit. It may advance the enterprises sustainable development. This study first researches the basic theory of organization behavior emphatically. Then on the basic of this, a comparative study has been performed through analyzing how to apply the theory of organization behavior to business management between Hai-er Group. in China and National Group. in Japan. At last the strategic proposals on how to apply the theory of organization behavior to business management in China are put forward. The following conclusions can be derived from the paper investigations: (1) The idea base of the theory of organization behavior is “society people”, its foundation is that people is the center of management activity. To manage enterprise by the theory of organization behavior, it may effectively form a cohesive force of enterprise and spirits of group. It may fully arouse the creativeness and enthusiasm of staff. It may promote work efficiency and benefit of business. It may advance the enterprises sustainable development. (2) Modern business management system is the foundation about the enterprises sustainable development. The theory and method of organization behavior are catalytic promoter and combustion supporting. It may advance the enterprises sustainable development if both of them arrange in pairs or groups equitably and keep balance. As a good business manager, he should not only know the theory and method of modern business system, but also know the theory and method of organization behavior. Then he can arouse the enthusiasm of staff to advance the enterprises sustainable development. (3) Staff partaking, adroitly guide action according to circumstances and basing on people are the epitomizer that Hai-er Group. apply the theory of organization behavior to advance the business management. Labor and capital being equal, the key theory of human resource and respecting human nature are the epitomizer that National Group. apply the theory of organization behavior to advance the business management. On applying the theory of organization behavior, there are both common ground and difference between enterprises in China and Japan. At presen