
英语硕士论文:Msc Sport Business Management-论文摘要范文

日期:2018年03月24日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:972
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201309251711028583 论文字数:550 所属栏目:论文摘要
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Msc Sport Business Management

This study aimed to investigate the impact of service quality of the fitness industry in Shanghai, China on customer satisfaction. Parasuraman et al. (1985) believe that consumers’ awareness of service quality comes from comparison of consumers’ expectations and their actually perceived service performance, if consumers’ actually perceived service quality is lower than www.51lunwen.org/sslwzy/ expectations, consumer satisfaction degree may not be high. If consumers’ actually perceived service quality is higher than their expectations, consumer satisfaction degree may be higher. This study was based on the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman, 1985) from tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, these five aspects to explore whether quality of service that the fitness clubs in Shanghai offered met the expectations of consumers’, it also measured to what degree the service quality that the fitness clubs in Shanghai offered affect customer satisfaction. In this study, the form of questionnaire and interview were used to collect data, the findings are shown as follows. The research results in this study showed that judging from the hardware facilities, most consumers have a low degree of satisfaction with the space, fitness facilities and curriculum of fitness clubs in Shanghai; considering from reliability of service, the research results in this study showed that consumers in Shanghai believed that fitness clubs in Shanghai failed to keep their promise, and they were unable to solve problems effectively. However, Shanghai's consumers also confirmed the professional level of personal trainers in fitness clubs in Shanghai. In terms of responsiveness of service, the research results in this study revealed that consumers revealed that staff of the gymnasiums in Shanghai could not respond promptly to the members' views and complaints, nor did they communicate with consumers on a regular basis, therefore there was a low degree of satisfaction. However, the questionnaire results also proved that consumers in Shanghai thought that the gymnasiums were able to announce in a timely manner about relevant information. From the perspective of assurance of service, the research results indicated that, consumers in Shanghai were not satisfied with the sense of responsibility of staff of the gymnasiums, and they believed that the work of the staff was not supported by gymnasiums strongly, but the consumers also thought that they could contact with the membership consultants easily, which was helpful for the staff to provide their members with reliable service. Considering from the empathy of service, the research results showed that the consumers in Shanghai did not think that the gymnasiums would really understand and meet the potential demand of consumers seriously, nor did they believe that the fitness clubs would try to meet the personal demand of consumers to give highest priority to the interests of customers. The biggest gap between consumers’ perceived situation and their expectations was about tangibility, then, it was about reliability, responsiveness, empathy, the smallest gap was about assurance. At the end of the dissertation, it was based on the above-mentioned research results to propose recommendations on improvement of service quality for the health and fitness industry in Shanghai.

Keywords: health and fitness industry; service quality; customer satisfaction; the SERVQUAL model