(宋晓军 译)
[2] "Neglected Topics in the Analysis of Welfare Duration in the West"
Robert Gregory, Australian National University, Australia (澳大利亚国立大学,Economic Record 主编)
Abstract: This explores the analysis of time spent on welfare among lone parents in Australia. Most analysis looks at spell duration. This talk shows that this is too narrow a focus for a proper understanding of the interactions of welfare and work.
[3] "Gender, Ethnic Identity and Work"
Amelie Constant,IZA Bonn, DIW Berlin and Georgetown University
Liliya Gataullina, IZA Bonn
Klaus F. Zimmermann, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), DIW Berlin, University of Bonn, Free University of Berlin and CEPR London (IZA 所长,Journal of Population Economics 和 Economic Policy 前主编,Journal of Population Economics 总编(Editor-in-chief),Economic Bulletin 主编,DIW-Wochenbericht 主编,DIW-Vierteljahrshefte 主编)
Abstract: The European Union’s strategy to raise employment is confronted with very low work participation among many minority ethnic groups, in particular among immigrants.This study examines the potential of immigrants