

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1503
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410202128148771 论文字数:36586 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
rm of self-torture that goes by the name of respectability‖(Orwell,1968:429);Virginia Woolf compares his writing to a ―sharp light‖ mixed with ―one ray ofsingular penetration‖(Woolf, 2010:489).The next period coincides with the second half of the 20thcentury, featuring a revivala naturalist but indicated that his best works went beyond the realm (Chen Jia, 2010:464).From then on, the Chinese critics commenced a systematic study on Gissing. ChengWenchao (1987), He Huaihong (1990) and Cheng Wei (1994) unanimously recommendedThe Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft on different literary magazines. Yao Zaixiangpublished the first article specialized on New Grub Street, speaking highly of Gissing‘sbreakthrough in the Victorian writing (Yao, 1988b:85). Xue Hongshi initiated moreextensive discussion on Gissing‘s works and particularly appreciated his art of characterbuilding which fully displays the complexity of human without Dickensian moraljudgment (Xue, 1993:112). Ying Ying investigated into the characters in Gissing‘s slumnovels to overturn the misperception of his hatred towards the poor.She concluded that hisrepulsion was interlaced with the keynote of sympathy and sometimes respect (Ying,2012:41). Chen Xiaolan focused on Gissing‘s urban concept and intellectual ideal andexplained his transition from a humanistic reformer to a skeptical pessimist (Chen Xiaolan,2012:96). More and more Chinese authors have joined their western counterparts inGissing study and contributed innovative ideas and fruitful results.

1.2 Critical Reviews on New Grub Street

New Grub Street is Gissing‘s ninth novel published in 1891. In the 18thcentury, GrubStreet had been a home for indigent authors who wrote for commercial purpose withoutartistic merits. The novel is a blowup of so-called hack literature prevailing in thelate-Victorian period. Gissing presented complex cases of writers‘ dilemma to reflect uponthe commercialization of literature and England at large. Despite the vicissitude of hisfame, New Grub Street is regarded as a masterwork of all time.The fiction is a perfect demonstration of Gissing‘s solid skills as an artist. Judy Stoveattributes its compelling charm to the thorough integration of ―the plots and the subplots‖(Stove, 2004:31). Bill Delaney notices that the story is set purposefully in real places tostress the cruelty of this authentic marketplace (Delaney, 2003a:736). And Yao Zaixiangpays attention to Gissing‘s exquisite development of characters through their language inthe form of dialogue, monologue and voice-over (Yao, 1988b:86-87).

Chapter One Identity Crisis of Edwin Reardon

Edwin Reardon, the hero of New Grub Street is caught in the identity crisis ofcollapsing career and intimate bond. After the honeymoon period of literary creation andromantic love, his talent and inspiration drained away as he was painfully scrabblingmarketable works to feed the family. His relationship with wife [Amy] and son [Willie]was gradually deteriorating with the worsening of living status. He was imperiled to bedeprived of the identity of literary man and husband and father.Both crises are colored with Reardon‘s ideal characteristics. He is portrayed as anout-dated literary toiler with supreme pursuit for pure literature and love while sufferingfrom mundane agitation and physical/mental delicacy. His self-recognition has conflictswith what literary tide and his family require of him. Other than his nature, the socialchange account for the crisis of his professional identity while his early development ofpersonality takes responsibility for his identity confusion in marriage.During his short life, Reardon shifts from a pious disciple of literature and a loyalhusband to a slave of letters and an abandoned