
An analysis of the cultural differences between China and the America in Kerikan从电影《刮痧》分析中国和美国的文化差异

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3307
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201307251447168455 论文字数:4060 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

论文题目:An analysis of the cultural differences between China and the America in Kerikan从电影《刮痧》分析中国和美国的文化差异

论文语言:英语论文 English
论文用于:BA Dissertation 本科毕业论文

An analysis of the cultural differences between China and the America in Kerikan从电影《刮痧》分析中国和美国的文化差异

摘要  影片《刮痧》是一部反应中西文化差异的影片,在影片中反映了家庭,亲情之间文化的不同。深刻的刻画了中西文化的矛盾冲突。但是在该片的结束寓意着刮痧误解的消除,暗示了中西文化必将在越来越多的跨文化交际中走上共存、融合的道路。本文从刮痧之一中国传统治疗方法入手,反映了华人在西方国家,思想文化的碰撞和交流,具有很好的意义。
关键词   刮痧   差异   中西文化  

Abstract  The movie "Kerikan" is a reaction of Cultural Differences in the film, reflects the family in the film, the cultural differences between the family and describes the conflict of  the culture. But in the end of the film's moral the scraping misunderstanding eliminated, suggesting that the road of Chinese and Western cultures more and more cross-cultural communication will embark on coexistence, integration. The Kerikan is a filim which shows the differences between Chinese and American culture. The film reflects the cultural differences on the family and family bond. It describes deeply the conflict between Chinese and American culture. The end of film suggests the mistake eliminate and suggest the Chinese and western culture will walk to the road of coexist and fusion. This article reflects the collision and communication of the thought and culture in western countries and has the very good sense.
Key words   Kerikan,   Differences, Chinese and American culture

Table of Contents

1. The introduction of Kerikan 3
1.1 From the Kerikan to see the differences between China and America 3
1.2 The family concept 7
2. The differences on the way of thinking and national tradition between the Chinese and American culture in Kerikan 7
2.1 Philosophy 7
2.2 The mode of thinking 8
3. Conclusion 11
References 11

1. The introduction of Kerikan 

Scraping the film describes the story in St. Louis. Ethnic Chinese Xu Datong in the United States has been for eight years. His work was smoothly and had a happy family. In the annual industry presentation at the meting, he was excited to tell people: "I love my American dream come true!" But then an incident occurs, so that he woke up from a dream. Dennis, his 5-year-old son has a fever. His grandpa at home treated him with Chinese folk " kerikan therapy. Thus Denis left the blood stain of Kerikan. This caused the child protection organization concerns. In order to ensure his father got a green card, Xu Datong bear the responsibility of Dennis scraping therapy. As a result, he was accused of child abuse and was finally deprived of custody, prohibit to see his son. In order to allow his son to stay at home to let his wife take care of, he was forced to agree that "independence," his father returned to China. On Christmas Eve, in order to meet Dennis, Xu Datong climbed into the window through the pipeline. Government officials in the downstairs were waiting to arrest him. At this time, a friend Quinlan who personally tried scraping and judges arrived. Xu Datong was acquitted, the family is finally reunited.


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