

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1282
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201409011112504177 论文字数:35200 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
avy, while she and her four childrenlived in America. Mary Norton wrote many children literature works. In 1952, thebook The Borrowers published and won great popularity over the world whichendures her reputation. In the same year, she won the Carnegie Children’s LiteratureAward and later in 1960, the Lewis Carroll Award.Because of the great popularity of the fairy tale, Mary Norton then wrote foursequels. These works made her one of the major post-war British writers of children’sliterature. Chicago Tribune, major daily tribune in America made comment on her,which said “Mary Norton has an outstanding gift for children’s literature. Her vividdescriptions are equally credible whether observe human by dwarfs’ eyes or dwarfsthrough human eyes.”

2.2 About the story
The Borrowers, first published in England in 1952, has since been one of themost widely read and adapted stories over the world. It is Kathleen Mary Norton’sbest known work.The height of the dwarf in the work is not so high as our little finger. Without thecapacity of production, they must risk their lives every time to the floor cautiously forall the necessities of life, namely the stamps for their wallpaper, the match box for achest of drawers, the lid for tureen, the crumb and potato for meals. On the one hand,they can’t live without human beings; on the other hand, they need to guard againstbeing seen by humans every day in great fears. Different from the normal humans,they have something in common as well—the humanity. Arriety and the boy becameclose friends, chatting and playing together. The boy even took necessaries secretlyfor Arriety. However, this didn’t last long, Pod’s was found and they had to escape toother places. It is a story about adventure, youth and hope. The image of Arriety is thetypical representative of Norton’s description—kind, brave, energetic and optimisticeven when trapped in danger.Dialogues between the boy and Arriety in the eighth and ninth chapters are themost exciting parts of the whole story and the treasure of the world’s children’sliterature. In 1973, The Borrowers was first made into a movie in Hollywood and laterin 2010, The Borrowers Arriety adapted by the notable Japanese directorHayaoMiyazaki was publicized in Japan which won a great success.

3. The Functional Equivalence Theories........7
3.1 Nida and the Functional Equivalence Theory ....7
3.2 Functional Equivalence Theory in China......8
3.3 Application of Functional Equivalence in Translation .......8
4. Translation Strategies....11
4.1 Functional Equivalence methods at Lexical Level .....11
4.1.1. Reduplicated words.......11
4.1.2. Interjection ........ 13
4.2 Functional Equivalence Methods at Syntactical Level ....14
4.3 Functional Equivalence Methods at Stylistic Level....16
5. Conclusion.........19

4. Translation Strategies

4.1 Functional Equivalence methods at Lexical Level
Owing to the distinctive literary translation and diverse expressive means,Chinese and English contains many different features. Reduplicated words which arewidely used in children’s literature translation is a major feature of Chinese. Usingthem skillfully can motivate the children to read and help them understand the story inan interesting way.Example 1: In vain Arrietty had begged for a little mouse of her own, a littleblind mouse to bring up by hand—“like Eggletina had had.” But Homily would bangwith the pan lids and exclaim: “And look what happened to Eggletina!” “What, ”Arrietty would ask, “what did happen to Eggletina?” But no one would ever say. Homily can’t abide the smell of mice and turned down her daughter’s beg