
A Tentative Study of Spiritual Epiphany

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3202
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw201007292307522684 论文字数:12000 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce. It was first published in 1914. The collection was regarded as a naturalistic depiction of the Irish middle class life in Ireland in the early years of the 20th century. In the novel, Joyce focus on people's minds, he considered that Dublin is the epitome of spiritual paralysis and its residents become its sacrifices.
The stories concentrate on Joyce's idea of an epiphany--a moment where a character has a special moment of self-understanding or illumination. In the Dubliners, almost every protagonist got an epiphany at the end of the novel. At the moment they saw distress of the environment and their own, which suddenly make them realized the essence of life. The awakening of these characters is a crucial moment, climax of each novel, also contains a profound symbolic meaning. Here we could know that good intentions of Joyce are hidden in the novel. Namely, he hopes that the Irish community and the people can, like the protagonists in Dubliners, understanding the crisis of its own through reading and observing.
In this thesis, I selected a few representative stories and try analyzing them in-depth, along the time line of childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, to explore the notochord which link up all those epiphany. Thus we can understand the true meaning of life which expressed by the author better.
The thesis is divided to five chapters. Chapter One discusses the social background of Dublin in 20th century and Joyce's epiphany theory. Chapter Two analyzes the epiphany in the age group of childhood. These children are ignorant and imprisoned in their own city Dublin. Chapter Three examines the epiphany in the age group of adolescence. The characters are aimless in their attitude toward life and are doomed to defeat. Chapter Four illustrates the epiphany in the age group of adulthood. These characters are powerless when facing troubles in life and isolated from society and from each other spiritually. Chapter Five discusses the epiphany in the age group of old age. The protagonists feel very lonely and could do nothing to change their lives but live resignedly.
In this thesis, I believe that Joyce view his hometown Dublin as a man. From the naive childhood to the end of life, it permeates the same theme: the spiritual paralysis of Dublin society. From another sense, the entire Dubliners are to convey the entire life of Ireland as well as the epiphany. The study of epiphany helps us to realize the essence of life, and thus to bring good to the modern society.

Key Words: Epiphany, Dubliners, Spiritual Paralysis, Joyce
摘 要
他采用了贯穿十五篇的一种新颖而独特的“灵光顿悟”(epiphany),即宗教上的“主显灵”来展示人物错综复杂的精神状态和思想感情。在《都柏林人》中, 几乎每一篇小说的结尾,主人公都如同佛教中所言的“顿悟”般,一下子看清了自己和所处的环境的窘迫,并从中悟出了生活的实质。这类人物觉醒的关键时刻既是每篇小说的高潮点,同时又内含着深刻的象征意义。包藏着作者本人的良苦用心。即希望爱尔兰社会与人群也能像小说主人公一样,通过阅读与观察认识自身的危机。

关键词:顿悟,  都柏林人,  精神瘫痪,  乔伊斯


Acknowledgements II
Abstract III
摘要 IV
Introduction 1
Chapter 1  Backgrounds 3
1.1 Joyce and Dublin 3
1.2 What Is an Epiphany 5
Chapter 2  Childhood: Disillusionment and Imprisonment 7
2.1 Epiphany in Childhood 7
2.1.1 The Sisters------ Loss of religious faith 7
2.1.2 Araby------ Neglected Love 9
Chapter 3  Adolescence: Aimlessness and Defeat 11
3.1 Epiphany in Adolescence 11
3.1.1 Eveli