

日期:2018年08月27日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1636
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410281754439088 论文字数:36759 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background of the Study

As the cultural exchanges frequently occurred in the world, the translation, akind of cultural tool, was increasingly plays an indispensable role in promoting themutual exchanges and understanding among different nations. Since the countrieswere gradually came into being a unity, each kind of culture was more or less beinginvolved in another kind of culture,the culture thus formed a circle, people aroundthis circle came to get ideas about this culture and that one. Culture has integrated forthousands of years and changed from ancient time to modem time. In the stage of itsdevelopment and prosperity, literal works has been created generation by generation.In front of the translation, no boundaries have been set among numerous works. Thetranslators can translate any languages into another one to meet their needs tocommunicate and leam from cultures one another. Foreign works which appeared indifferent kinds of literal forms were swarming into China, however,Chinese literaryworks went outside as well. Once the excellent works came out, they quickly becameknown by the world,as a result,the work once belongs to a country was thenpossessed by the world. Everyone in the world could have the opportunity to enjoy iteven translate it as long as they want to engage them in the literature.Although the culture shares many elements and characters in common, they stillhave its uniqueness in many ways. We all know that in China, the works have theChinese elements, in America, the works have the American elements,In Russia, theworks have the Russian elements and so on. In a word, different country has thedifferent cultures and different culture show the uniqueness in their own ways. Theworks need the writers to write,then if the work want to be known by the othercountry, the translators are the breath of the life. How to make features run throughthe work to be embodied was depend on the literary giants in a large degree. In otherwords, these literary giants refer to those translators as a matter of fact. In the processof translation, the translators act as the media to transmit their cultural phenomena andimages to another place. The language has the close relationship with the culture. Nomatter who is the translator, no matter when he translates the work,no matter wherehe wants to publish the work, he can't neglect the cultural factors.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

For the process of every author's creating articles, they must take culture,language into account. In the respect of social system,material and psychologicalculture, so many differences exist between Chinese culture and western culture.Culture plays an important role in translating literary works, especially some worksrelated to local color. What I will mainly talk about in my thesis is the local color. Thepurpose of my thesis is to carry forward the local color of Ankang city, expand itsbeauty to the fullest. Various literary works with various translation versions havestepped into world stage with high production. Each work has its own native localcolor as it is presented in front of the world people. Inevitably, the local color attractspeoples' attention in terms of the work itself except the character, plot and dialogue.Since local color first made its appearance in America, local colorists were generatedgeneration by generation. Although the local color had been studied or learned formany times in all kinds of literary research, few persons had connected the local colorwith Relevance Theory. Moreover, what I used for my material is a novel also afamous film. Besides, this film is the first film which writes the real place and realname. Much attention has been paid to the local color, local customs and landscape inAnkang city and laid much emphasis on the uniqueness of Ankang. In my thesis, Iwill show you a concrete scene rather than an abstract image of that place. Ankang isa place can attract large amounts